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K.I. Aardal

66 records found

The Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with a flexible Project Structure (RCPSP-PS) is a generalization of the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP). In the RCPSP, the goal is to determine a minimal makespan schedule subject to precedence and resour ...

Special Issue

Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO) 2022

This volume of Mathematical Programming, Series B (MPB) contains 23 high-quality articles in the area of integer programming and combinatorial optimization. Extended abstracts of these articles have previously appeared in the proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Integer Programm ...
The resource constrained project scheduling problem with a flexible project structure and consumption and production of resources, involves making a selection of activities and scheduling these activities in order to minimize the makespan, subject to precedence and resource const ...
Branch-and-bound for integer optimization typically uses single-variable disjunctions. Enumerative methods for integer optimization with theoretical guarantees use a non-binary search tree with general disjunctions based on lattice structure. These disjunctions are expensive to c ...
The Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with a flexible Project Structure (RCPSP-PS) is a generalization of the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP). The objective of the RCPSP-PS is to find a minimal makespan schedule subject to precedence and reso ...
Background Ambulance services play a crucial role in providing pre-hospital emergency care. In order to ensure quick responses, the location of the bases, and the distribution of available ambulances among these bases, should be optimized. In mixed urban-rural areas, this optimiz ...
The primary drivers for buying a ship from a certain yard are price, delivery time and quality. In order to decrease construction time and costs, shipbuilding companies are exploring the development of product-families to include family wide modularity and cross family standardiz ...
Background: Helicopter emergency medical services are important in many health care systems. Norway has a nationwide physician manned air ambulance service servicing a country with large geographical variations in population density and incident frequencies. The aim of the study ...
Development in vehicle automation and the shared economy contribute to a growing interest in introducing flexible services. This paper investigates how archived passenger data can be used in the form of demand forecasts to improve routing of vehicles in a Dail-a-Ride problem. Two ...
Developments in vehicle automation and the shared economy call for new developments in routing flexible transport services. We propose a new type of insertion algorithm: an online dynamic insertion algorithm with demand forecasts. The performance of this algorithm is tested in a ...
Background Helicopter emergency medical services are an important part of many healthcare systems. Norway has a nationwide physician staffed air ambulance service with 12 bases servicing a country with large geographical variations in population density. The aim of the study was ...
We consider the Maximum Weighted Coverage problem (MCP). We can relate the MCP to optimisation problems using submodular functions. Performance guarantees of the Swap Local Search algorithm are known for these problems, but can be improved for the MCP. Our main contribution is a ...
We study the capacitated k-facility location problem, in which we are given a set of clients with demands, a set of facilities with capacities and a positive integer k. It costs fi to open facility i, and cij for facility i to serve one unit of demand from client j. The objective ...
In this paper we introduce a time-dependent probabilistic location model for Emergency Medical Service (EMS) vehicles. The goal is to maximize the expected coverage throughout the day and at the same time minimize the number of opened facilities and the number of relocations. We ...
Lattice-based reformulation techniques have been used successfully both theoretically and computationally. One such refor-mulation is obtained from the kernel lattice associated with an input matrix. Some of the hard instances in the literature thathave been successfully tackled ...
Given facilities with capacities and clients with penalties and demands, the transportation problem with market choice consists in finding the minimum-cost way to partition the clients into unserved clients, paying the penalties, and into served clients, paying the transportation ...