E. Minkman
21 records found
A typology of urban knowledge sharing
From a systematic literature review to an integrated model
This paper provides insight into how the conceptualization of urban knowledge sharing has developed. Based on a structured review and categorization of the literature, we identify three forms of knowledge sharing in and between cities that are distinctly different: knowledge tran
In their quest to create vital cities, West European city governments stimulate citizens to self-organize in citizens' initiatives. This trend it accompanied by conflicting scientific and governmental discourses: on the one hand, citizens' initiatives are praised for giving ‘powe
Citizens are expected to play a significant role to the current energy transition in Europe, such as through prosumerism and collective initiatives for energy efficiency. While there are many platforms for domestic energy analytics and for engaging citizens and transition stakeho
Policy transfer in urban water management
Evidence from ten BEGIN cities
As cities are increasingly experiencing climate change impacts, a rise in transnational networks for climate-sensitive cities can be seen. To date, little is known about the effectiveness of these networks and how they facilitate city-to-city learning. By using insights from the
Based on a qualitative case study in An Giang province, Vietnam, we mapped the understanding of the ‘Living with Floods’ (LWF) concept and the implementation of three projects to explain the effectiveness of water governance in Vietnam. We have demonstrated how perceptions on the
On 1 November 2021, Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte delivered a speech at COP-26 in Glasgow, Scotland. He stressed the history of the Netherlands in “battling the elements for centuries. From North Sea floods to Caribbean storms” (GoN, 2021). He further stated that “
Resolving impasses in policy translation
Shall we adjust the idea or the process?
This study explains how contrasting perspectives on resolving impasses in policymaking exist among all relevant actors in a case of transferring Dutch flood management policy to Jakarta, Indonesia. It does so by introducing Q methodology as a novel method in policy transfer and p
From national vision to implementation
Governance challenges in sustainable agriculture transitions in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta region
This study identifies how the governance of the transition to sustainable agriculture in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta is constrained by a lack of leadership, coordination, and funding. The Vietnamese Mekong Delta region is an important agricultural region yet highly vulnerable to
This study identifies network management as a facilitator of effective policy transfer. We reconstruct the unconventional collaboration between Dutch private-sector experts and national governments of Vietnam and Bangladesh to develop multi-sectoral, long-term strategies (‘delta
Backfiring boomerang brands in Jakarta
The case of the Great Garuda
This chapter presents a case of how branding was used as a strategy to bind actors and motivate them to work together on an adaptation strategy and how, subsequently, the branding campaign “backfired.” A team of Dutch water experts developed a flood management strategy for Indone
Strategies for climate change adaptation
Lessons learnt from long-term planning in the Netherlands and Bangladesh
This paper evaluates long-term climate change adaptation strategies in the Netherlands and Bangladesh using the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) Principles of Good Water Governance. Deltas face complex challenges, and adequate long-term planning is
Emotional policies
Introducing branding as a tool for science diplomacy
This article seeks to expand the science diplomacy (SD) discourse by introducing the concept of branding, focusing on its use as a tool for nation state decision makers. Although the current literature on SD has explored the relation between science and diplomacy, the question of
Q-methodologie is een nog relatief onbekende onderzoeksmethode, met veel potentieel voor beleidsonderzoek en -analyse. De benaderingen, doelen en onderzoeksvragen in verschillende toepassingen lopen uiteen, maar vertonen ook duidelijke overeenkomsten. In dit artikel beschrijven w
Reconstructing the impasse in the transfer of delta plans
Evaluating the translation of Dutch water management strategies to Jakarta, Indonesia
This study takes the stagnation in the transfer of knowledge about strategic delta planning as a starting point and identifies the interplay of constraining factors. We conclude that the way the process of policy transfer is executed is crucial. The Dutch government aims to trans
Branding in policy translation
How the Dutch Delta approach became an international brand
This article explains the rise of the Dutch Delta Approach (DDA) as the Dutch trade-mark for exporting knowledge about adaptive delta management. We consider policy branding a specific tool for policy translation that can enhance our understanding of how policy is mobilised for i
Policy transfer routes
An evidence-based conceptual model to explain policy adoption
Although studies on policy transfer have expanded, a general and comprehensive understanding of policy transfer is lacking. This study offers an evidence-based explanation of policy transfer processes. We extracted constraining and facilitating factors from 180 empirical studies
How to get and keep citizens involved in mobile crowd sensing for water management?
A review of key success factors and motivational aspects
Citizen science and particularly mobile crowd sourcing (MCS) has large potential in water resources management for data collection and awareness raising. Concerns about data quality, and initiating and sustaining citizen involvement hamper incorporation of citizen science in wate
Practitioners' viewpoints on citizen science in water management
A case study in Dutch regional water resource management
In recent years, governmental institutes have started to use citizen science as a form of public participation. The Dutch water authorities are among them. They face pressure on the water governance system and a water awareness gap among the general public, and consider citizen s
Engaging Remote Sensing and Citizen Science into Water Quality Monitoring
A Case Study in Nhue-Day River Basin, Vietnam
Remote sensing and citizen science can be utilized to fulfill the gap of conventional monitoring methods. However, how to engage these techniques, principally taking advantage of local capacities and of globally accessible data for satisfying the continuous data requirements and
Dutch water management is considered highly efficient, but it faces a lack of public awareness and other certain physical challenges. One proposed strategy to deal with these challenges includes increasing citizen participation and citizen science using mobile devices in particul