
10 records found

Objects do not disappear

Video object detection by single-frame object location anticipation

Objects in videos are typically characterized by continuous smooth motion. We exploit continuous smooth motion in three ways. 1) Improved accuracy by using object motion as an additional source of supervision, which we obtain by anticipating object locations from a static keyfram ...

Seismic inversion with deep learning

A proposal for litho-type classification

This article investigates bypassing the inversion steps involved in a standard litho-type classification pipeline and performing the litho-type classification directly from imaged seismic data. We consider a set of deep learning methods that map the seismic data directly into lit ...

Deep Vanishing Point Detection

Geometric priors make dataset variations vanish

Deep learning has improved vanishing point detection in images. Yet, deep networks require expensive annotated datasets trained on costly hardware and do not generalize to even slightly different domains, and minor problem variants. Here, we address these issues by injecting deep ...

Divide and Count

Generic Object Counting by Image Divisions

We propose a general object counting method that does not use any prior category information. We learn from local image divisions to predict global image-level counts without using any form of local annotations. Our method separates the input image into a set of image divisions - ...


Bypassing feature extraction in action categorization

This method introduces an efficient manner of learning action categories without the need of feature estimation. The approach starts from low-level values, in a similar style to the successful CNN methods. However, rather than extracting general image features, we learn to predic ...

Top-down networks

A coarse-to-fine reimagination of CNNs

Biological vision adopts a coarse-to-fine information processing pathway, from initial visual detection and binding of salient features of a visual scene, to the enhanced and preferential processing given relevant stimuli. On the contrary, CNNs employ a fine-to-coarse processing, ...

No frame left behind

Full Video Action Recognition

Not all video frames are equally informative for recognizing an action. It is computationally infeasible to train deep networks on all video frames when actions develop over hundreds of frames. A common heuristic is uniformly sampling a small number of video frames and using thes ...

No frame left behind

Full Video Action Recognition

Not all video frames are equally informative for recognizing an action. It is computationally infeasible to train deep networks on all video frames when actions develop over hundreds of frames. A common heuristic is uniformly sampling a small number of video frames and using thes ...
A number of computer vision deep regression approaches report improved results when adding a classification loss to the regression loss. Here, we explore why this is useful in practice and when it is beneficial. To do so, we start from precisely controlled dataset variations and ...
Activity progress prediction aims to estimate what percentage of an activity has been completed. Currently this is done with machine learning approaches, trained and evaluated on complicated and realistic video datasets. The videos in these datasets vary drastically in length and ...


10 records found

Activity Progress Prediction

Is there progress in video progress prediction methods?

In this paper, we investigate the behaviour of current progress prediction methods on the currently used benchmark datasets. We show that the progress prediction methods can fail to extract useful information from visual data on these datasets. Moreover, when the methods fail to ...

What Humans Consider Good Object Detection

Analysis on how automatic object detectors align with what humans consider good object detection

How do automatic object detector outputs align with what humans consider good object detection? Our study is based on the responses of 70 participants for a survey. The participants are presented with images having bound- ing box predictions, their task is to choose images which ...


Efficient Annotation of Large-Scale Marathon Dataset For Bounding Box Regression

While the Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) is built to support the constraints of low-powered devices, it struggles to meet the standards in security. Generally, low-powered devices are challenged with limited cryptography, tough key management, and interop ...
Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) is a routing protocol for Internet of Things (IoT) devices with limited resources. As IoT is becoming prevalent, it is important to secure the underlying protocols that compose it such as RPL. This paper sought to avoid an R ...
Regression is difficult because of noise, imbalanced data sampling, missing data, etc. We propose a method by classifying the continuous regression labels to tackle regression robustness problems. We analyze if our method can help regression, given that the class information is a ...
A structured CNN filter basis allows incorporating priors about natural image statistics and thus require less training examples to learn, saving valuable annotation time. Here, we build on the Gaussian derivative CNN filter basis that learn both the orientation and scale of the ...
Person re-identification based on appearance is challenging due to varying views and lighting conditions in different cameras, or when multiple persons wear similar clothing styles and color. Considering these challenges, gait patterns provide an alternative to appearance, as gai ...
While sailing, sailors solely rely on their eyes to inspect the sail shape and adjust the sail configurations to achieve an appropriate sail shape that corresponds to the weather condition. This so-called trimming process requires years of experience. Hence the visual inspection ...
The Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) has gained in popularity since the increased connectivity of everyday items to the Internet. One of the discovered attacks on RPL is the rank attack, which opens up possibilities for attackers to c ...