Zhichao Tan


4 records found

Recent years have witnessed an improvement in the energy efficiency of capacitive sensor interfaces by more than three orders of magnitude. This article reviews the architectural and circuit innovations that have contributed to this progress. The fundamental limit on the energy c ...
This article presents a fully dynamic scalable switched-capacitor delta-sigma modulator that achieves a 94.1-dB dynamic range (DR). Power-and- bandwidth scalability by only changing the clock frequency is achieved using a capacitively biased and swing-enhanced floating inverter o ...
IoT sensing applications operating from batteries or harvested energy require microwatt data converters. To accurately measure small signals, they often need to achieve a high DR (>90dB) and better linearity than the transducers themselves (>14b) with a BW in the kHz range. IoT s ...
The quote by Lord Kelvin, “if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it,” best captures the invaluable role of sensors in any system. It also implies that to improve the performance of a system one needs to employ advanced sensor solutions. The performance requirements vary from ...