Sebastiaan Thoen


11 records found

1. Overview and motivation The emergence of e-commerce in the past decade and the surging growth during the pandemic, partially at the cost of in-store shopping, have reinforced the need for a better representation of this type of consumer demand and its effects in urban transpo ...
1. Overview and motivation E-commerce is a rapidly developing segment within urban goods transportation. While currently making up only 5.5% of all kilometers driven by vans in the Netherlands (CBS, 2018), this segment is experiencing rapid growth. For example, in the Netherlands ...
An increasing amount of research is dedicated to the consideration of tour formation in freight transportation demand models. While empirical tour formation models so far have been starting from limiting assumptions about the resulting trips, we develop a generalized shipment-bas ...
The fundamental diagram (FD) describes the relation between the flow and density in equilibrium conditions. In this paper, we propose an estimation approach to estimate the FD based on data from moving observers. This approach consists of two main steps: (1) estimate flow and den ...
Tourformatie is kenmerkend aan goederenwegvervoer, niet zelden worden meerdere zendingen in een rit vervoerd. Toch wordt dit aspect vaak over het hoofd gezien in goederenvervoermodellen. Wanneer tourformatie wel wordt toegepast, dan worden vaak geen zendingen gemodelleerd, is het ...
As part of a broader vision for emission-free city logistics, the city of Rotterdam plans to introduce a zero-emission zone in combination with urban consolidation centers (UCCs) on the outskirts of the city to generate a shift to zero-emission vehicles. For the design of this ze ...
Het reduceren van de CO2 uitstoot van wegvervoer is een uitdagende opgave voor het bereiken van de klimaatdoelstellingen. In het 'Fit for 55' programma van de EC wordt een 55% reductie van de CO2 uitstoot in 2030 gehanteerd ten opzichte van de uitstoot in 1991. De transitie die m ...
Het klimaatakkoord, milieu zones en zero emissie zones in steden en andere duurzame ontwikkelingen betekenen voor de logistieke sector dat de wereld veranderd. Zowel overheden als verladers en vervoerders bereiden zich voor op deze veranderingen. Prognoses en modelberekeningen ku ...
Freight transport modelling has seen many developments in this century. A key trend was the inclusion of more aspects of logistics thinking in freight transport models for the public sector. In de Jong et al. (2013) is a list of topics that were expected to be the main areas for ...
As part of a broader vision for emission-free city logistics, the city of Rotterdam plans to introduce a zero-emission zone in combination with consolidation hubs at the outskirt of the city to generate a shift to zero-emission vehicles. For the design of this zero-emission zone ...
As part of a broader vision for emission-free city logistics, the city of Rotterdam plans to introduce a zero-emission zone in combination with consolidation hubs at the outskirt of the city to generate a shift to zero-emission vehicles. For the design of this zero-emission zone ...