Circular Image

Arian Stolk

7 records found


We show the latest progress towards establishing a solid-state, metropolitan quantum link, consisting of two remote Nitrogen Vacancy (NV)-centers and a central measurement station. The entanglement is generated by converting single emitted photons to the same frequency in the tel ...

Entanglement distribution over quantum networks has the promise of realizing fundamentally new technologies. Entanglement between separated quantum processing nodes has been achieved on several experimental platforms in the past decade. To move toward metropolitan-scale quantu ...

Scaling current quantum communication demonstrations to a large-scale quantum network will require not only advancements in quantum hardware capabilities, but also robust control of such devices to bridge the gap in user demand. Moreover, the abstraction of tasks and services ...

We demonstrate interference of photons emitted by remote, spectrally distinct NV-centers. Quantum frequency conversion at the nodes brings the photons to the same wavelength in the telecom L-band, compatible with entanglement generation at metropolitan scale.@en

Quantum communication brings radically new capabilities that are provably impossible to attain in any classical network. Here, we take the first step from a physics experiment to a quantum internet system. We propose a functional allocation of a quantum network stack, and cons ...

We report on the use of elliptical pump spatial modes to increase the observed brightness of spontaneous parametric downconversion in critically phase-matched crystals. Simulations qualitatively predict this improvement, which depends on the eccentricity and orientation of the pu ...
We present an experimental demonstration of a bright and high fidelity polarization entangled photon pair source. The source is constructed using two critically phase matched β-Barium Borate crystals with parallel optical axes, and photon pairs are collected after filtering with ...