Nataša Z. Tomić

5 records found


The aim of this research was to investigate the self-healing potential of damaged Al joints when bonded using novel eco-epoxide adhesives derived from tannic acid (TA). Two eco-epoxy components based on TA, (A) glycidyl ether and (B) glycidyl phosphate ester of TA, were produc ...

The aim of this paper is to study the self-healing capability of fractured Al joints bonded with novel eco-epoxide adhesives synthesized from a bio-renewable raw material (tannic acid – TA). Two synthesized eco-epoxy components based on TA, (A) glycidyl ether and (B) glycidyl pho ...
Two synthesized eco-epoxy components based on TA: (A) glycidyl ether and (B) glycidyl phosphate ester, are used, as a replacement for the Bisphenol A (BPA) based epoxy component, for bonding aluminum (Al) and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP). Their effect on the mode I frac ...

Review on adhesives and surface treatments for structural applications

Recent developments on sustainability and implementation for metal and composite substrates

Using adhesives for connection technology has many benefits. It is cost-efficient, fast, and allows homogeneous stress distribution between the bonded surfaces. This paper gives an overview on the current state of knowledge regarding the technologically important area of adhes ...

This paper presents a new process for obtaining eco-epoxide adhesives synthesized from bio-renewable raw material (tannic acid-TA) and used for bonding lightweight materials (aluminum (Al) and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP). Two synthesized bio-epoxy components based o ...