Circular Institute of Fashion

'Made better by Hem'

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With an ongoing growing population and the aim towardsa more sustainable future, revitalizing building is aconsiderable topic. Architect should take into accountthe current building stock and look into more possibleways on how to easily reuse buildings. The location of theHembrug area, makes it an even more attractive area todevelop. It can flower as a lively area near Amsterdam.On the contrary, Amsterdam can also make use of thesebuildings.1 See appendix I: Heritage Position2 Petzet, M., Heilmeyer, F. and Overmeer, E. (2012). Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Architecture as resource. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz.3 Kuipers, M. and de Jonge, W. (2017). Designing from Heritage – Strategies for Conservation and Conversion. Delft: TU Delft – Heritage & Architecture.Shearing layers by Stewart Brand on How buildings learnThe purpose of the project is to revitalize the GreenHead of the Cape South and creating attention towardsthe polluting fashion industry. The challenge lies inpreserving the character of the ensemble with itstypologies; and also in revitalizing it for future needs.These characteristic typologies on the ensemble can befound at other ensembles as well, suggesting that therewas a relation with the other ensembles (1). Including(instead of excluding) the Green Head in the Hembrugterrain. The structure of these typologies is the core tothe visual expression of the buildings that can be linkedto the similar buildings on the Hembrug area (2). In orderto protect the core (structure); exteriors are visibly beingadapted with a clear differences between the old andnew, with the purpose to show adaptations that can belearnt from. These adaptations being made in line withthe existing lay out (3) in order to not be disrespectfulto the history of the building. The characteristics ofthese typologies (for instance skylights), that can berecognized in the total area as well, are being preservedor renovated in order to make the buildings future proof(4). Redesigned elements or additions to the ensembleare supportive elements in order to create sustainablesolutions to make the ensemble future proof (5).