Boosting the efficiency of Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cells with VO2 phase transition photonic crystal

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Photonic crystal (PhC) has been studied for their potential to improve the efficiency of Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cells by increasing the generated photocurrent by integrating it as a back reflector with almost zero transmission through the absorption active zone of the solar cell. It was found that the thickness of PhC layers greatly affects the width of the photonic bandgap and that increasing the thickness of VO2 causes it to shift to a higher wavelength range. The PhC layers were added at the back side of the solar cell in two different configurations: (Monoclinic (M) VO2/TiO2) and (Tetragonal (T) VO2/TiO2) via SCAPS model. The study found that the (M VO2/TiO2) configuration led to an enhancement of the device's efficiency from 11.02 to 12.79%, while the (T VO2/TiO2) reaches 16.88%. The study concluded that the PhC layers enhance the light-matter coupling and photonic coupling and improvement in the device's performance.