Autonomous Temperature Sensor for Smart Agriculture

Smart Measurement and Control

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Fruit-frost during spring is one of the main causes of damage to the harvest of fruit in orchards. Various systems using different methods of preventing spring-frost are available on the market. To determine when these systems should be activated, the temperature in the orchard needs to be determined. In this project, a self-sustaining autonomous temperature sensor network is designed, which is capable of making a 3D temperature map of the orchard. The system is used to warn farmers when the threat of fruit-frost occurs and to gather data on the spatial variation of the temperature in the orchard. In this thesis, the focus is put on designing the smart measurement and control system. This includes choosing an appropriate control unit and temperature sensors. Also, the software for the control unit is designed, which allows for a smart measurement scheme that balances energy usage and measurement frequency. Finally, an estimation of the energy usage of the subsystem is given based on theoretical analysis.