L.S. Pakula


15 records found

This paper presents an optical waveguide with freestanding structure to detect theanastomosis leakage after colon surgery. Different parameters of the waveguide isinvestigated and two materials (SiC and TiO2) are chosen as the core. Simulationshave been performed to optimise the ...
This paper presents an optical waveguide with freestanding structure to detect theanastomosis leakage after colon surgery. Different parameters of the waveguide isinvestigated and two materials (SiC and TiO2) are chosen as the core. Simulationshave been performed to optimise the ...


5 records found

One of the main problems with Instance-Level Image Retrieval in video data is that for query videos with multiple objects of the same instance, extracting features from keyframes of this query video is time consuming. This thesis aims to solve this problem by implementing a Convo ...
Many countries in the world face the problem of fruit frost during spring, which results in the loss of harvested crops. Solutions exist to prevent the fruit to freeze, however this requires that the temperature is known. Therefore, a smart autonomous temperature sensor network i ...

Autonomous Temperature Sensor for Smart Agriculture

Wireless communication & Networking

In this thesis, the design and implementation of a wireless communication module and an accompanying network are discussed. This wireless communication module is used in a device which communicates frost temperatures measured at orchards. The goal is to gather data on how fruit f ...

Design of an AutonomousWireless Weather Station

EE3L11 - Bachelor Graduation Thesis

With increasingly changing climates, measuring the weather on remote, off-grid locations has become more important in order to accurately track emerging weather patterns. Cheap and easy access to meteorological information allows communities and individuals to better manage agric ...
Fruit-frost during spring is one of the main causes of damage to the harvest of fruit in orchards. Various systems using different methods of preventing spring-frost are available on the market. To determine when these systems should be activated, the temperature in the orchard n ...