A.C.M. van der Stap
6 records found
Vulnerabilities of the three-leg moored TetraSpar floating offshore wind turbine
Are the risks of the TetraSpar mooring system ALARP?
The increasing demand for renewable energy sources has brought about the need for innovative solutions to harness energy from the wind. One such solution is floating offshore wind turbines (FOWT), which offer several advantages over traditional onshore wind turbines and bottom-fi
This thesis explores the feasibility of retrofitting ageing offshore wind farm (OWF) foundations with airborne wind energy (AWE) systems as a sustainable alternative to decommissioning or wind turbine (WT) refurbishment. These OWFs, starting their operational life between 1995 an
Upscaling the TetraSpar
Large-scale floating offshore wind turbines design methodology and modelling
During the past decade, the offshore wind energy industry evolved to bigger turbines, going into deeper waters and farther offshore. As bottom-fixed wind turbines are limited to shallow water depths, floating wind structures are the next frontier to unlock the vast potential of w
The fatigue strength of the pin connection is assessed in the research project presented in this thesis. The fatigue strength is quantied by an estimated fatigue lifetime, which is the expected time to failure of the most critical point in the connection. The lifetime is estima
A probabilistic approach to pipeline start-up structure installations
Structural reliability assessment utilizing the resistance parameters
Subsea pipeline are extensively used for the transport of hydrocarbons from offshore wells, to platforms, pump stations and to onshore facilities. Because the installation of pipelines is time consuming it is responsible for a significant amount of the total costs of a project. T