J.M. de Oliveira Barbosa
20 records found
In this paper, we investigate the response of a cavity embedded in an elastic half-plane (2D) subjected to a harmonic SH wave. In previous work, the method of conformal mapping and the indirect boundary element method (indirect BEM) were employed to solve the 3D wave scattering f
This paper presents a semi-analytical solution for the 3D problem of a cylindrical tunnel embedded in an elastic half-space subject to plane harmonic compressional and shear waves. Both the tunnel and soil are modelled as an elastic continuum. Conformal mapping is employed to tra
This paper studies the effectiveness of adding auxiliary rails as a mitigation measure for degradation in transition zones of railway tracks. More specifically, it investigates the settlement mechanisms counteracted by the additional rails. Results show that when the system’s res
Ballast settlement at transition zones
Modelling via a non-linear lattice
This short paper presents, in a summarized way, non-linear connections for a lattice model of a railway, with the intention of simulating ballast compaction at transition zones.@en
Dynamic amplification in a periodic structure with a transition zone subject to a moving load
Three different phenomena
The study of periodic systems under the action of moving loads is of high practical importance in railway, road, and bridge engineering, among others. Even though plenty of studies focus on periodic systems, few of them are dedicated to the influence of a local inhomogeneous regi
Analysis of embankment underlain by elastic half-space
2.5D model with paralongitudinal approximations to the half-space
This article presents a set of close approximations to model an elastic half-space supporting an embankment, which are evaluated in the context of phase velocity spectra, i.e. in terms of the normal wave propagation modes of the embankment-half-space system. The ultimate, intende
Locations in railway tracks where significant variations of the track properties occur are subject to increased track deterioration. To successfully mitigate this, the mechanisms leading to the increased deterioration need to be understood. To this end, this work presents a non-l
This paper investigates the instability of vertical vibrations of an object moving uniformly through a tunnel embedded in soft soil. Using the indirect Boundary Element Method in the frequency domain, the equivalent dynamic stiffness of the tunnel-soil system at the point of cont
The procedure presented in this work aims at providing a framework for studying settlement of ballast in zones with stiffness variation of the railway track support. The proposed procedure results from expanding an existing infinite periodic model of a railway track to account fo
Transition radiation in a nonlinear and infinite one-dimensional structure
A comparison of solution methods
Transition zones in railway tracks are locations with a significant variation of track properties (i.e. foundation stiffness) encountered near structures such as bridges and tunnels. Due to strong amplification of the track’s response, transition zones are prone to rapid degradat
Fast, flexible particle simulations
An introduction to MercuryDPM
We introduce the open-source package MercuryDPM, which we have been developing over the last few years. MercuryDPM is a code for discrete particle simulations. It simulates the motion of particles by applying forces and torques that stem either from external body forces, (gravity
Transition radiation is emitted when a source moves along a straight line with constant velocity and acts on or near an inhomogeneous medium [1]. It occurs, for example, when trains cross areas with substantial variation of track properties (e.g., foundation stiffness) encountere
In this work we propose a model for the analysis of the dynamic behaviour of a ballasted track that combines discrete and continuous elements. The rail is modelled via an Euler-Bernoulli beam, the periodically spaced sleepers are represented with lumped masses, and the ballast is
Dynamic soil stiffness for foundation piles
Capturing 3D continuum effects in an effective, non-local 1D model
A method is presented to accurately capture the 3D interaction phenomena of a foundation pile embedded in soil, in a computationally efficient non-local 1D model. It is shown how to extract the global stiffness kernels from simulations with the 3D inhomogeneous continuum, and imp
This paper addresses the dynamic response of an infinitely long cylindrical structure embedded in an elastic half-space. The structure has a circular cross-section and its axis is parallel to the half-space surface. Excitation can be incident body waves or forces applied on the s
In this paper the effect of a nearby, semi-infinite, level ice sheet on the frequency domain response of a thin, floating, rigid body is studied using a 2D model. The ice is modeled using a dynamic Euler-Bernoulli beam and the finite depth water layer is described with the Laplac
Earthquakes induced by the gas extraction is a problem of serious concern in the northern part of The Netherlands. The earthquakes recorded to date can be classified as minor based on their maximum local magnitude (ML=3.6). However, (i) their shallow focus, (ii) the special in-si
Vortex-induced vibrations of a freely vibrating cylinder near a plane boundary:
Experimental investigation and theoretical modelling
This work reports on experiments that were performed with a freely vibrating cylinder exposed to currents and placed near a plane boundary parallel to the cylinder axis. It is observed that the proximity of the boundary affects the vertical response of the cylinder in two ways: (