Daniel Baldacchino

17 records found


Vortex generators have become a ubiquitous sight on the modern wind turbine blade. These small, passive devices can increase the energy extraction potential of a rotor, but their subtle footprint disguises the technical difficulties associated with designing and integrating them ...

Passive vane-type vortex generators (VGs) are commonly used on wind turbine blades to mitigate the effects of flow separation. However, significant uncertainty surrounds VG design guidelines. Understanding the influence of VG parameters on airfoil performance requires a system ...

To assess and optimize vortex generators (VGs) for flow separation control, the effect of these devices should be modelled in a cost and time efficient way. Therefore, it is of interest to extend integral boundary layer models to analyse the effect of VGs on airfoil performanc ...

Although the Blade Element Momentum method has been derived for the steady conditions, it is used for unsteady conditions by using corrections of engineering dynamic inflow models. Its applicability in these cases is not yet fully verified. In this paper, the validity of the assu ...
Experimental results and complimentary computations for airfoils with vortex generators are compared in this paper, as part of an e_ort within the AVATAR project to develop tools for wind turbine blade control devices. Measurements from two airfoils equipped with passive vortex g ...
In this work, we present a simple inviscid point vortex model to study the dynamics of asymmetric vortex rows, as might appear behind misaligned vortex generator vanes. Starting from the existing solution of the in_nite vortex cascade, a numerical model of four base-vortices is c ...

The FP7 AdVanced Aerodynamic Tools for lArge Rotors - Avatar project aims to develop and validate advanced aerodynamic models, to be used in integral design codes for the next generation of large scale wind turbines (10-20MW). One of the approaches towards reaching rotors for ...

The current paper presents the effort, in the EU AVATAR project, to establish the necessary requirements to obtain consistent lift over drag ratios among seven CFD codes. The flow around a 2D airfoil case is studied, for both transitional and fully turbulent conditions at Reyn ...


Vortex Generators (VGs) are one of the most commonly used passive flow control devices. Recent studies have shown that it is beneficial to use sub-boundary layer vortex generators (SBVGs). The height of these generators varies between 10% - 50% of the boundary layer thickness. Ho ...
One of the most commonly used flow control techniques to trim the aerodynamic performance of wind turbine blades are vortex generators. This passive device, which does not require any active energy, is gaining an increasing interest in this sector especially due to the trend of i ...

Improving the Jensen and Larsen Wake Deficit Models

Using a Free-Wake Vortex Ring Model to Simulate the Near-Wake

The continued grow of the wind industry has resulted in an increase in turbine cluster density in wind farms. This has made the topic of wind turbine and wind farm wake aerodynamics more relevant than ever. Wind turbine wake models are used to predict the deficit and recovery of ...