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Y. Peng

12 records found

Investigation of sound pressure waveforms helps the selection of appropriate metrics to evaluate their effects on marine life in relation to noise thresholds. As marine animals move farther away from a sound source, the temporal characteristics of sound pressure may be influenced ...
The installation of foundation piles for offshore wind turbines using traditional hydraulic impact hammers raises concerns about the impact of underwater noise on marine life. To address this issue, the offshore wind industry investigates the use of alternative driving techniques ...
With the growing demand for renewable energy, an increased number of offshore wind farms are planned to be constructed in the coming decades. The monopile is the main foundation of offshore wind turbines in shallow waters while the installation process itself takes place with lar ...
Underwater noise from offshore pile driving has raised significant concerns over its ecological impact on marine life. To protect the marine environment and maintain the sustainable development of wind energy, strict governmental regulations are imposed. Assessment and mitigation ...
This paper presents a computationally efficient modeling approach for predicting underwater noise radiation from offshore pile driving. The complete noise prediction model comprises two modules. First, a sound generation module is adopted to capture the interaction between the pi ...
Underwater noise pollution generated by offshore pile driving has raised serious concerns over the ecological impact on marine life. To comply with the strict governmental regulations on the threshold levels of underwater noise, bubble curtains are usually applied in practice. Th ...
The prediction of underwater noise and the assessment of the influencing factors on noise transmission are significant for the control and mitigation of the noise generated by offshore pile driving. This paper presents a coupled two-step approach for modelling the underwater nois ...
The paper establishes a computationally inexpensive method to deal with the dynamic response of liquid storage tanks subjected to seismic excitation including dynamic soil-structure interaction. The tank is modelled as a thin shell, the stored liquid is described asan inviscid an ...
This paper presents a computationally efficient modelling approach for the prediction of underwater noise radiation from offshore pile driving. A near-source module is adopted to capture the interaction between the pile, fluid and soil, which is based on a previously developed se ...
A model is developed to predict bending vibrations of flood gates with fluid on both sides. The liquid flow is three-dimensional and the gate is represented as a thin plate. The fluid response is considered within the linear potential flow theory including the effect of compressi ...
In this paper, a pile-water-soil model is developed for the prediction of sound generated due to impact piling. The complete model consists of two modules: i) a near-source module aiming at the accurate description of the pile-water-soil interaction together with the sound genera ...
Anthropogenic underwater noise generated by pile driving has been an issue of serious concern due to the rapid developments in offshore wind farms. The underwater noise pollution poses a threat to marine mammals. To reduce the noise, many offshore companies have developed various ...