Harry Vereecken

3 records found


Soil hydrological processes (SHP) support ecosystems, modulate the impact of climate change on terrestrial systems and control feedback mechanisms between water, energy and biogeochemical cycles. However, land-use changes and extreme events are increasingly impacting these pro ...

Editors of several journals in the field of hydrology met during the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union—EGU in Vienna in April 2017. This event was a follow-up of similar meetings held in 2013 and 2015. These meetings enable the group of editors to review the curr ...
Full‐waveform inverse modelling of proximal ground‐penetrating radar was used to measure soil surface water content in irrigated areas of southern Tunisia. The ground‐penetrating radar system consisted of a hand held vector network analyser combined with an off‐ground monostatic ...