
15 records found

Surrogate-assisted inversion for large-scale history matching

Comparative study between projection-based reduced-order modeling and deep neural network

History matching can play a key role in improving geological characterization and reducing the uncertainty of reservoir model predictions. Application of reservoir history matching is restricted by the huge computational cost by amongst others the many runs of the full model. Sur ...
Seismic history matching can play a key role in geological characterization and uncertainty quantification. However, challenges related to intensive computational demands and complexity restricts its application in many practical cases. This paper presents a conceptual deep-learn ...

Predictive models for COVID-19

An Earth science response

In February and March 2020 most European countries were confronted with the outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The Dutch Outbreak Management Team (OMT) and hospitals were in urgent need of forecasts that could help prepare for the increasing number of patients r ...

Predictive models for COVID-19

An Earth science response

In February and March 2020 most European countries were confronted with the outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The Dutch Outbreak Management Team (OMT) and hospitals were in urgent need of forecasts that could help prepare for the increasing number of patients r ...

Predictive models for COVID-19

An Earth science response

In February and March 2020 most European countries were confronted with the outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The Dutch Outbreak Management Team (OMT) and hospitals were in urgent need of forecasts that could help prepare for the increasing number of patients r ...

Predictive models for COVID-19

An Earth science response

In February and March 2020 most European countries were confronted with the outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The Dutch Outbreak Management Team (OMT) and hospitals were in urgent need of forecasts that could help prepare for the increasing number of patients r ...


Data Science Applications to Inverse and Optimization Problems in Earth Science

Imaging-type monitoring techniques are used in monitoring dynamic processes in many domains, including medicine, engineering, and geophysics. This paper aims to propose an efficient workflow for application of such data for the conditioning of simulation models. Such applications ...
We are concerned with the efficiency of stochastic gradient estimation methods for large-scale nonlinear optimization in the presence of uncertainty. These methods aim to estimate an approximate gradient from a limited number of random input vector samples and corresponding objec ...
This paper presents a non-intrusive subdomain POD-TPWL (SD POD-TPWL) for reservoir history matching through integrating domain decomposition (DD), proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), radial basis function (RBF) interpolation, and the trajectory piecewise linearization (TPWL). ...
In-depth water diversion is a chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) method that has been gaining acceptance recently for several reasons. One of them is the fact that sodium silicate, used in this method, is one of the few green chemicals used in EOR. In addition, this chemical ha ...
We propose a quantitative model-based workflow for conformance verification of CO2 storage projects. Bayesian inference is applied to update an ensemble of simulation models that capture prior uncertainty based on mismatches with measured data. Conformance assessments are derived ...
We propose a quantitative model-based workflow for conformance verification of CO2 storage projects. Bayesian inference is applied to update an ensemble of simulation models that capture prior uncertainty based on mismatches with measured data. Conformance assessments are derived ...
A reduced order modeling algorithm for the estimation of space varying parameter patterns in numerical models is proposed. In this approach domain decomposition is applied to construct separate approximations to the numerical model in every subdomain. We introduce a new local par ...
A reduced order modeling algorithm for the estimation of space varying parameter patterns in numerical models is proposed. In this approach domain decomposition is applied to construct separate approximations to the numerical model in every subdomain. We introduce a new local par ...


5 records found

Jetted radial wells are a relatively new form of hydraulic stimulation for oil and gas wells, where small diameters holes extend radially from a wellbore. This technique for increasing well connectivity could also be applied to geothermal wells. Radials can be freely placed along ...
This study discusses the potential of the in-depth water diversion (IDD) process to enhance oil recovery from subsurface reservoirs and investigates IDD strategies through an ensemble optimization approach. Pilot studies in the North Sea performed in recent years have shown that ...
Model based optimization of reservoir water flooding is an ill-posed problem where significantly different control strategies deliver near identical Net Present Values (NPVs). Discovering and exploiting the existence of "redundant" control strategies - particularly those in close ...
The Netherlands has set the ambitious goal to be CO2 neutral by 2050 and signed the Paris Treaty in 2015. The contribution of geothermal energy to reaching this goal are outlined in the Masterplan in 2018 which attempts to reduce CO2 emissions. It is imperative to enhance geother ...
The oil industry is a high risk high reward venture. The capital and operating expenses runs into tens of millions of dollars with oil production being the primary source of revenue. During the initial development phase of the field, few wells are completed. Data collection durin ...