A.G. Kolechkina

74 records found

A first prototype of a Python package that can generate input for, perform runs of, and the analyse output of the Delft3D FM 1D2D simulation software corresponding to both simple and complex canal networks is demonstrated. The package can, for instance, generate input files for a ...
A polder-boezem system consists of a (large) number of polders that pump their drainage water into a network of watercourses and lakes. A few large pump stations then pump the drainage water into rivers or the sea. In some cases a sluice gate is used when water levels allow it. A ...
The dependency structure between hydrological variables is of critical importance to hydrological modelling and forecasting. When a copula capturing that dependence is fitted to a sample, information on the uncertainty of the fit is needed for subsequent hydrological calculations ...
The representation of uncertainty in results is an important aspect of statistical techniques in hydrology and climatology. Hypothesis tests and point estimates are not well suited for this purpose. Other statistical tools, such as confidence curves, are better suited to represen ...
The availability of water resources is declining, while the demand for water continues to increase for the agricultural sector and drinking water supply in the context of climate change hazards, such as the increasing frequency of extreme weather events (drought, floods). In fact ...
Analysis of existing data is the first step in preparing for human modification of natural water systems or existing water infrastructure. Time series of environmental measurements form an important part of that data. Such an analysis has as its aim the determination of the futur ...
In almost all practical applications of control, technological and economical consid -erations impose limits on communication speed, frequency of communication, and frequency of actuator adjustment. Such limits turned the analysis of sampled data systems into a flourishing field. ...
Networks of open channels form an important category of environmental systems. They are used not only to transport irrigation and drainage water, but also as highways for barges transporting raw materials and goods. Automatic control of these systems poses specific problems. A lo ...
Management of water systems is becoming more and more complex; this creates opportunities for the application of control theory. These opportunities are the subject of a course on operational water management given to students of the water management department, Delft University ...
In this paper, a method based on Approximate Empirical likelihood ratio and a Deviance function combined with bootstrapping (AED-BP) is proposed to construct a confidence curve for the location of a change point. The method is compared with a method based on parametric Profile Li ...
The problem of smoothing dry weather inflow variations for a Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) that receives sewage from multiple mixed sewer systems is formulated. A first rough control algorithm that uses branch and bound is presented. The control algorithm uses a form of Mode ...
This paper is the outcome of a community initiative to identify major unsolved scientific problems in hydrology motivated by a need for stronger harmonisation of research efforts. The procedure involved a public consultation through online media, followed by two workshops through ...
Several commonly-used nonparametric change-point detection methods are analysed in terms of power, ability and accuracy of the estimated change-point location. The analysis is performed with synthetic data for different sample sizes, two types of change and different magnitudes o ...
Arguments are presented in favor of modeling sewer systems and in particular Dutch sewer systems as a sampled data system with events. Basic limitations on controlling these systems when ignoring their hybrid nature are stated. The traditional control scheme for the Dutch systems ...
With increasing urbanization, climate variability, and population growth, higher demands are made of the management of modern water systems. One way to address this problem is the use of computerized control systems. These systems gather measurements and then adjust the structu ...
We consider the following problem: Given a number of reservoirs of varying size with time-varying inflows, can a steady or nearly steady outflow be realized? One example where the problem occurs is when multiple sewer systems share one Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) and it ...