C. Jommi
70 records found
Measurements taken on a historical dike in the Netherlands over one year showed that interaction with the atmosphere led to oscillation of the piezometric surface of about 0.7 m. The observation raised concerns about the long-term performance of similar dikes and promoted a deepe
Accurate evaluation of undrained shear strength of soils is crucial in geotechnical design and assessment. In the practice, undrained shear strength is obtained most frequently from CPT data, dividing the net cone tip resistance by a cone factor, 𝑁𝑁!". For organic soils, values b
Advanced models for soft organic layers encountered in the shallow subsoils in the Netherlands have been developed recently at TU Delft. The models are based on high-quality laboratory data on peats and soft organic clays. The constitutive effort mostly focussed on some partially
A large part of the Dutch regional dyke network is classified as drought-susceptible given that both the dyke body and the foundation layers consist of soft organic soils. The erratic weather conditions over recent years, which included prolonged drought, new temperature records
Cone penetration tests, CPTs, are extensively used in the Netherlands to assess the stability of fourteen thousand kilometres of dykes protecting the country from flooding. On the regional dykes, site testing is planned and executed only from spring to autumn. The data collected
A large part of the Dutch regional dyke network is classified as drought-susceptible given that both the dyke body and the foundation layers consist of soft organic soils. The erratic weather conditions over recent years, which included prolonged drought, new temperature records
Monitoring structural behavior of earth structures during construction and in service is a common practice done for safety reasons, consolidation control and maintenance needs. Several are the techniques available for measuring displacements, water pressures and total stresses, n
Increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events in the Netherlands is raising attention on the unsaturated response of geo-infrastructures, promoting research projects to provide an overview of the impact of unsaturated conditions on the response of shallow soil laye
This study characterises the effects of naturally varying organic content on the compression and shear behaviour of a marine silty-clay from the Netherlands. Index properties and mechanical properties are determined through laboratory tests, including oedometer and multistage loa
Element testing of soft soils is challenging due to the large strains attained in the pre-failure range. Besides the heterogeneity of natural samples, the set-up configuration is the main driving factor for non-homogenous response. Stress, strain and pore pressure non-uniformitie
Failures that occurred in the last few decades highlighted the need to raise awareness about the emergent risk related to the impact localised degradation phenomena have on embankments. Common interventions aimed to improve embankments, such as the reconstruction of the damaged a
Ground borne vibrations generated by the passage of underground trains may change over time due to objective causes, such as increasing weight and speed of trains or ageing of the infrastructure components, as well as a variation in the dynamic response of the soil surrounding th
The change in the dynamic response of shallow soils as caught by two geophysical test campaigns is exploited to numerically predict the variation in the ground borne vibrations induced by the passage of underground trains. Multiple causes may lead to a variation in the perception
A relevant part of the geotechnical infrastructure in the north of Europe and overseas is built on soft organic soils, including peat. Peat is extremely vulnerable to climate-related hazards as increased temperature accelerates drying, shrinkage and decomposition of the organic m
Peats are encountered in waterlogged deltaic areas, where degradation is delayed by favourable environmental conditions. The recent increase in frequency and severity of droughts is expected to accelerate peat degradation, in turn increasing subsidence and flood risk, urging bett
A recent increase in frequency and severity of exceptional climatic events is of concern for the stability of natural and artificial slopes. These undergo continuous evaporation and infiltration cycles, which change the suction distribution and trigger shrinkage, swelling, cracki
Recent research effort carried out at Delft University of Technology to improve the experimental knowledge and develop a comprehensive modelling approach for fibrous organic soils is summarised. Experimental results and numerical analyses are combined to discuss some contradictor
Experimental determination of the shear strength of peat from standard undrained triaxial tests
Correcting for the effects of end restraint
Conventional triaxial tests on peats are strongly criticised due to the very high shear strength parameters obtained from standard data elaboration, leading to unrealistic factors of safety when used in geotechnical design and assessment. Various operational approaches have been
Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Analysis of the Pre-failure and the Failure Behaviour of a Dyke on Soft Subsoil
Formulation and Synthesis of Results
In an attempt to evaluate current models for the safety assessment of dykes on soft soils, STOWA, the foundation for research on regional dykes in the Netherlands, launched and supported a full scale test on a regional historical dyke, which included observation of the pre-failur
The paper focuses on the hydromechanical behaviour of an unsaturated compacted clayey silt, accounting for fabric changes induced by drying–wetting cycles occurring at low stress levels. The response along isotropic compression and triaxial compression (shear) at constant water c