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GW 't Hooft
Academic Work (9)
Conference paper (2)
Journal article (7)
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9 records found
Bouncing surface plasmons
Journal article (2007) -
NV Kuzmin (author)
PFA Alkemade (author)
P. F.A. Alkemade (author)
P.F.A. Alkemade (author)
GW 't Hooft (author)
EW Elie (author)
Giant optical transmission of a subwavelength Slit optimized using the magnetic field phase.
Journal article (2007) -
O.T.A. Janssen (author)
GW 't Hooft (author)
H. P. Urbach (author)
Paul Urbach (author)
H. Paul Urbach (author)
H.P. Urbach (author)
HP Urbach (author)
On the phase and amplitude of surface plasmons generated in a one and two slit experiment.
Conference paper (2006) -
O.T.A. Janssen (author)
H. P. Urbach (author)
Paul Urbach (author)
H. Paul Urbach (author)
H.P. Urbach (author)
HP Urbach (author)
GW 't Hooft (author)
Large redshift in photoluminescence of p-doped InP nanowires induced by Fermi-level pinning
Journal article (2006) -
MHM van Weert (author)
O Wunnicke (author)
AL Roest (author)
TJ Eijkemans (author)
A Yu Silov (author)
JEM Haverkort (author)
GW 't Hooft (author)
EPAM Bakkers (author)
On the phase and amplitude of plasmon waves excited at slits in a metal plate.
Conference paper (2006) -
O.T.A. Janssen (author)
H. P. Urbach (author)
Paul Urbach (author)
H. Paul Urbach (author)
H.P. Urbach (author)
HP Urbach (author)
GW 't Hooft (author)
On the phase of plasmons excited by slits in a metal film.
Journal article (2006) -
O.T.A. Janssen (author)
H. P. Urbach (author)
Paul Urbach (author)
H. Paul Urbach (author)
H.P. Urbach (author)
HP Urbach (author)
GW 't Hooft (author)
Journal article (2004) -
S Stallinga (author)
GW 't Hooft (author)
J.J.M. Braat (author)
Photoimpedance spectroscopy of poly(3-hexyl thiophene) metal-insulator-semiconductor diodes
Journal article (2004) -
EJ Meijer (author)
AVG Mangnus (author)
BH Huisman (author)
GW 't Hooft (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
T. M. Klapwijk (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
Feedback effects at stable and unstable Resonant External Cavity lenghts
Journal article (2002) -
A.S. van de Nes (author)
J.J.H.B. Schleipen (author)
JJHB Schleipen (author)
MP van Exter (author)
GW 't Hooft (author)