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DM de Leeuw
Academic Work (22)
Conference paper (1)
Journal article (21)
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22 records found
Optical and conductive properties of large-area liquid crystalline monodomains of terthiophene derivatives
Journal article (2007) -
WJ Grzegorczyk (author)
T.J. Savenije (author)
Tom J. Savenije (author)
JJP Valeton (author)
S Fratiloiu (author)
F.C. Grozema (author)
F. C. Grozema (author)
Ferdinand C. Grozema (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
Laurens D A Siebbeles (author)
LDA Siebbeles (author)
L.D.A. Siebbeles (author)
Laurens D.A. Siebbeles (author)
The negative effect of high-temperature annealing on charge-carrier lifetimes in microcrystalline PCBM
Journal article (2006) -
J.M. Warman (author)
M.P. de Haas (author)
ThD Anthopoulos (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
The mobility and decay kinetics of charge carriers in pulse-ionized microcrystalline PCBM powder
Journal article (2006) -
M.P. de Haas (author)
J.M. Warman (author)
ThD Anthopoulos (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
Origin of the stretched-exponential hole relaxation in regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene)
Journal article (2005) -
G Dicker (author)
M.P. de Haas (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
LDA Siebbeles (author)
L.D.A. Siebbeles (author)
Laurens D.A. Siebbeles (author)
Laurens D A Siebbeles (author)
Photoimpedance spectroscopy of poly(3-hexyl thiophene) metal-insulator-semiconductor diodes
Journal article (2004) -
EJ Meijer (author)
AVG Mangnus (author)
BH Huisman (author)
GW 't Hooft (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
Teun M. Klapwijk (author)
Teunis M. Klapwijk (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
T. M. Klapwijk (author)
The disperse charge-carrier kinetics in regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene)
Journal article (2004) -
G Dicker (author)
M.P. de Haas (author)
J.M. Warman (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
L.D.A. Siebbeles (author)
Laurens D.A. Siebbeles (author)
LDA Siebbeles (author)
Laurens D A Siebbeles (author)
Solution-processed ambipolar organic field-effect transistors and inverters
Journal article (2003) -
EJ Meijer (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
S Setayesh (author)
E van Veenendaal (author)
B-H Huisman (author)
PWM Blom (author)
JC Hummelen (author)
U Scherf (author)
T. M. Klapwijk (author)
Teunis M. Klapwijk (author)
Teun M. Klapwijk (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
Local charge carrier mobility in disordered organic field-effect transistors
Journal article (2003) -
C Tanase (author)
EJ Meijer (author)
PWM Blom (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
Unification on the hole transport in polymeric field-effect transistors and light emitting diodes
Journal article (2003) -
C Tanase (author)
EJ Meijer (author)
PWM Blom (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
Photoconductivity enhancement of poly(3-hexylthiophene) by increasing inter- and intra-chain order
Journal article (2003) -
G Dicker (author)
T.J. Savenije (author)
Tom J. Savenije (author)
BH Huisman (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
M.P. de Haas (author)
J.M. Warman (author)
Dopant density determination in disordered organic field-effect transistors
Journal article (2003) -
EJ Meijer (author)
C Detcheverry (author)
PJ Baesjou (author)
E van Veenendaal (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
Teun M. Klapwijk (author)
T. M. Klapwijk (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
Teunis M. Klapwijk (author)
Scaling behavior and parasitic series resistance in disordered organic field-effect transistors
Journal article (2003) -
EJ Meijer (author)
GH Gelinck (author)
E van Veenendaal (author)
BH Huisman (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
Teun M. Klapwijk (author)
T. M. Klapwijk (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
Teunis M. Klapwijk (author)
Charge transport in disordered organic field-effect transistors
Conference paper (2002) -
C Tanase (author)
PWM Blom (author)
EJ Meijer (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
Switch-on voltage in disordered organic field-effect transistors
Journal article (2002) -
EJ Meijer (author)
C Tanase (author)
PWM Blom (author)
E van Veenendaal (author)
BH Huisman (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
Teunis M. Klapwijk (author)
T. M. Klapwijk (author)
Teun M. Klapwijk (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
Charge Carrier Dynamics in Bulk Poly(3-hexylthiophene) as a Function of Temperature
Journal article (2001) -
BR Wegewijs (author)
Ferdinand C. Grozema (author)
F.C. Grozema (author)
F. C. Grozema (author)
Laurens D.A. Siebbeles (author)
L.D.A. Siebbeles (author)
Laurens D A Siebbeles (author)
LDA Siebbeles (author)
M.P. de Haas (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
Flash-Photolysis Time-Resolved Microwave Conductivity of a Poly(3-Hexylthiophene) Thin Film
Journal article (2001) -
G Dicker (author)
BR Wegewijs (author)
J Piris (author)
Tom J. Savenije (author)
T.J. Savenije (author)
B-H Huisman (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
M.P. de Haas (author)
J.M. Warman (author)
Frequency behavior and the Mott-Schottky analysis in poly(3-hexyl thiophene) metal-insulator-semiconductor diodes.
Journal article (2001) -
EJ Meijer (author)
AVG Mangnus (author)
CM Hart (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
T. M. Klapwijk (author)
Teunis M. Klapwijk (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
Teun M. Klapwijk (author)
Frequency Dependence of the Charge Carrier Mobility in DH4T
Journal article (2001) -
F. C. Grozema (author)
Ferdinand C. Grozema (author)
F.C. Grozema (author)
BR Wegewijs (author)
M.P. de Haas (author)
LDA Siebbeles (author)
Laurens D A Siebbeles (author)
Laurens D.A. Siebbeles (author)
L.D.A. Siebbeles (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
R Wilson (author)
H Sirringhaus (author)
The isokinetic temperature in disordered organic semiconductors.
Journal article (2001) -
EJ Meijer (author)
DBA Rep (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
M Matters (author)
PT Herwig (author)
Teun M. Klapwijk (author)
Teunis M. Klapwijk (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
T. M. Klapwijk (author)
The Meyer-Neldel Rule in Organic Thin Film Transistors.
Journal article (2000) -
EJ Meijer (author)
M Matters (author)
PT Herwig (author)
DM de Leeuw (author)
Teunis M. Klapwijk (author)
Teun M. Klapwijk (author)
T. M. Klapwijk (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)