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251 records found

It is demonstrated that in the (near) zero-gravity experiments conducted by Tang et al. (Combust. Flame; 2009, 2011) iron powder aerosols created using the finest powders are optically thick, implying that radiative heat transfer between particles should not be neglected. To test ...
The Argon Power Cycle (APC) is a compression ignition combustion concept that would substantially enhance efficiency by using argon as the working fluid. When used with hydrogen and oxygen, such closed loop system would be free of emissions. Fundamental understanding on the combu ...
In the current work, the Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM) method is applied with large-eddy simulation (LES) to investigate the effect of methane on dual-fuel (DF) spray ignition. The diesel surrogate n-dodecane is injected as the so-called pilot fuel into selected lean methane– ...
Transcritical fuel sprays form an indispensable part of high-pressure energy-conversion systems. Modeling the complex real-fluid effects in the high-pressure multiphase regime of such sprays accurately, especially the hybrid subcritical-to-supercritical mode of evaporation during ...
In this work, an extension of the Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM) method is developed suitable for igniting turbulent flames. To create the FGM, the strongly stretched flamelet equations (SSFE) are solved. Whereas in the standard basic method a single representative flamelet st ...
This work focuses on the large eddy simulation and the study of turbulent dilute methanol spray flames in vitiated coflow using the secondary-oxidizer Flamelet Generated Model (FGM). The modified FGM model uses an additional secondary oxidizer parameter in addition to the three o ...
We present a novel framework for high-fidelity simulations of inert and reacting sprays at transcritical conditions with highly accurate and computationally efficient models for complex real-gas effects in high-pressure environments, especially for the hybrid subcritical/supercri ...
A theoretical evaluation of the biochar production process using a biomass gasifier has been carried out herein. Being distinguished from the previous research trend examining the use of a biomass gasifier, which has been focused on energy efficiency, the present study tries to f ...
The flamelet generated manifold (FGM) model is suitable for moderate or intense low oxygen dilution (MILD) combustion provided the flamelets underlying the manifold include the effects of strong dilution by products of the fuel/oxidizer mixture. Here we propose such an extended m ...
The simple semi-empirical precursor soot model of Brookes and Moss based on the soot number density and soot mass concentration is adopted in a transported probability density function (PDF) method for turbulent diffusion flames. The gas phase chemistry is described by a flamelet ...
Oxy-fuel combustion of coal pyrolysis gas has recently been proposed to serve as internal heat source of a vertical low-temperature pyrolysis furnace, in order to make the output pyrolysis gas nearly free of nitrogen and widely useful. To keep the pyrolysis temperature and the he ...
Eddy dissipation concept (EDC) model and flamelet generated manifolds (FGM) model are developed separately to study the temperature profiles and extinction limits of non-premixed hydrothermal flames. Predictions by the two models are evaluated comparatively by experimental data i ...
The present work investigates the modeling of turbulent heat transfer in flows where radiative and convective heat transfer are coupled. In high temperature radiatively participating flows, radiation is the most relevant heat transfer mechanism and, due to its non-locality, it ca ...
This study investigates the potential of a newly released multi-phase solver to simulate atomisation in an air-blast type atomiser. The 'VOF-to-DPM' solver was used to simulate primary and secondary atomisation in an atomiser with a coaxial injector-like geometry. The solver uses ...

Turbulent scalar fluxes from a generalized Langevin model

Implications on mean scalar mixing and tracer particle dispersion

A Generalized Langevin Model (GLM) formulation to be used in transported joint velocity-scalar probability density function methods is recalled in order to imply a turbulent scalar-flux model where the pressure-scrambling term is in correspondence with standard Monin's return-to- ...
A probability density function (PDF)-based combustion modeling approach for RANS simulation of a jet issuing into a hot and diluted coflow is performed. A tabulated chemistry-based model, i.e., flamelet-generated manifold (FGM), is adopted in the PDF method. The manifolds are con ...
Flameless combustion, also called MILD combustion (Moderate or Intense Low Oxygen Dilution), is a technology that reduces NOx emissions and improves combustion efficiency. Appropriate turbulence-chemistry interaction models are needed to address this combustion regime ...
The present work investigates gray and non-gray gas turbulence-radiation interactions (TRI) in a turbulent channel flow bounded by two isothermal hot and cold walls. Cases of various optical thicknesses are examined using Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS), coupled with a computa ...
In facilities handling combustible dusts, the isolation of propagating deflagrations requires great attention due to the potential catastrophic consequences of secondary dust explosions. While the ability of dust explosions to propagate is widely recognized, some misconceptions s ...
This work reports an experimental study on supercritical water oxidation of quinoline. Moderate preheat temperature (420 °C–510 °C) and initial concentration (1 wt%–10 wt%) are selected to address the possibility of utilizing the heat released during the reaction, in order to rea ...