9 records found

This thesis focus on improving the power efficiency of DC-DC converters for two different applications. In the field of implantable medical devices, electrical stimulation has been used as an established treatment for several diseases. It aims to deliver a well-defined amount of ...
In this paper, we propose a new scheme to directly power a 4.9-5.6GHz LC oscillator from a recursive switched-capacitor DC-DC converter. A finite-state machine is integrated to automatically adjust the conversion ratio and switching frequency of the converter such that its DC out ...
This article presents guidelines for designing the power supply blocks of RF oscillators. To preserve their spectral purity, the requirements on the noise and ripple of the supply voltage are firstly evaluated based on the oscillator supply pushing factor and the oscillator Figur ...
The total economic cost of neurological disorders exceeds £100 billion per annum in the United Kingdom alone, yet pharmaceutical companies continue to cut investments due to failed clinical studies and risk [1]. These challenges motivate an alternative to solely pharmacological t ...
This paper presents a novel multichannel level-crossing (MLC) ADC architecture aimed at recording atrial electrograms from multiple channels. The proposed architecture combines synchronous sampling with level-crossing (LC) quantisation to achieve activity dependent operation whil ...

Comments on "Compact, Energy-Efficient High-Frequency Switched Capacitor Neural Stimulator With Active Charge Balancing" (vol 11, pg 878, 2017)

Comments on 'Compact, energy-efficient high-frequency switched capacitor neural stimulator with active charge balancing (IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (2017) 11:4 (878–888) DOI: 10.1109/TBCAS.2017.2694144)

This manuscript points out some mistakes in the Introduction and in the table of comparison of a paper already published in this journal by Hsu and Schmid [1]. Although the main claim of [1] is still preserved, we believe the paper needs to be rectified for scientific correctness ...
In order to recruit neurons in excitable tissue, constant current neural stimulators are commonly used. Recently, ultra high-frequency (UHF) stimulation has been proposed and proven to have the same efficacy as constant-current stimulation. UHF stimulation uses a fundamentally di ...
In this paper, a power-efficient multiphase Recursive Switched Capacitor (RSC) converter is presented. Conventionally, RSC converters are used to obtain many different output voltages from a fixed input voltage. Here, the converter provides a fixed output voltage of 1 V at 1 mA ...