E. de Almeida Sousa
14 records found
Another Hit On The Wall
Confined Wave Impacts on Hydraulic Structures
Hydraulic structures are crucial for navigation, water management and flood protection in low-lying coastal and delta regions. Their importance is expected to continue growing in the coming years, because of the consequences of climate change and the continuous development and ur
Evaluation and validation of the spectral linear wave theory and ‘traditional’ formulae for pulsating wave loads for unimodal and bimodal seas
Comparison to Goda and measurements
For the design of vertical hydraulic structures pulsating wave forces need to be calculated. The total wave force is a result of every wave component (long waves and short waves) within a wave field. The common formulae are derived for regular or unimodal narrow sea states and us
This paper establishes a computationally efficient model to predict flood gate vibrations due to wave impacts including fluid–structure interaction. In contrast to earlier models, composite fluid domains are included to represent the situation of a flood gate in a dewatering slui
This study focuses on standing wave impacts on vertical hydraulic structures with relatively short overhangs. It addresses the demand for extended knowledge and loading prediction expressions for these structures. Based on laboratory experimental data from 146 tests, this paper w
In this paper the development of a high-power pulsed LED line light and its use to apply particle image velocimetry (PIV) during wave impact measurements are described. An electrical circuit that generates high-current pulses is designed and built, which is used to overdrive a nu
This study focusses on increasing the understanding on vertical hydraulic structures with relatively short overhangs subjected to standing wave impacts. To this end, the impact velocity and the entrapped air are studied in detail, given their influence on the impulsive loading ch
The applicability of pressure-impulse theory is evaluated for predicting wave impact loading magnitudes for non-breaking standing wave impacts on vertical hydraulic structures with relatively short overhangs. To this end, tests were carried out on a schematized but realistic conf
In order to design reliable coastal structures, for present and future scenarios, universal and precise damage assessment methods are required. This study addresses this need, and presents improved damage characterization methods for coastal structures with rock armored slopes. T
Flood gates in storm surge barriers or outlet sluices can be prone to violent wave impacts. When an obstruction is present at the sea side above the gate, confinement of the incoming waves can lead to impulsive wave loads, even when the waves are non-breaking. The large loads can
Physical model tests were performed in a wave flume at Deltares with rock armoured slopes. A shallow foreshore was present. At deep water, the same wave conditions were used, but by applying different water levels, the wave loading on the rock armoured slopes increased considerab
The study of wave impact physics and magnitudes are key for the design of vertical coastal hydraulic structures. This research addresses the study of standing wave impacts on vertical coastal hydraulic structures with a relatively short horizontal overhang, which is especially re
In order to design reliable coastal structures, for present and future scenarios, universal and precise damage assessment methods are required. This study addresses this need, and presents improved damage characterization methods for coastal structures with rock armoured slopes.
Physical model tests were performed in a wave flume at Deltares with rock armoured slopes. A shallow foreshore was present. At deep water the same wave conditions were used but, by applying different water levels, the wave loading on the rock armoured slopes increased considerabl
No âmbito do projeto HYDRALAB+ (H2020-INFRAIA-2014-2015), foi realizado no LNEC um conjunto de ensaios em modelo físico bidimensional (2D) de um perfil de um quebra-mar de talude em enrocamento, construído à escala geométrica 1:30, para diferentes condições de agitação marítima e