Licia Calvi

7 records found


The recent pandemic crisis, coupled with the rapid development of new technologies, has shown what new opportunities exist for designing enriched museum experiences. In this article, we collected the experience of six Dutch design agencies that are known for their portfolio in ...

Relevance by play

An integrated framework for designing museum experiences

The notion of relevance is often used as a concept to be considered for making a museum matter to its visitors. The term, however, is rarely operationalized for use by designers, practitioners, or scientists in their work on museum experiences. We propose an integrated framewo ...

Future Museum Experience Design

Crowds, Ecosystems and Novel Technologies

The museum world is rapidly changing from being collection-centred to being community-centred and for the public. Apart from broadening access to collections through, for example, digitisation initiatives, new ways of involving the public more meaningfully and at various level ...

How to get small museums involved in digital innovation

A design‐inclusive research approach

A general trend of museums and cultural heritage institutions besides digitizing their collections is to involve the public more and at various levels. Technology plays an increasingly important role in this involvement. Developments we have observed in museum experience desig ...


Hidden Gems

Unlocking Relevance in Small Museums

In this Master’s graduation thesis, the goal was to develop three distinct design concepts that address the problems that small museums are facing in attracting young visitors and relaying their relevance to this hard-to-reach target group. The design challenge was approached wit ...