Qinyu Chen

7 records found


Epilepsy is a common disease of the nervous system. Timely prediction of seizures and intervention treatment can significantly reduce the accidental injury of patients and protect the life and health of patients. This paper presents a tiny neuromorphic Spiking Convolutional Tr ...

Digital predistortion (DPD) enhances signal quality in wideband radio frequency (RF) power amplifiers (PAs). As signal bandwidths expand in modern radio systems, DPD's energy consumption increasingly impacts overall system efficiency. Deep neural networks (DNNs) offer promisin ...

To Spike or Not To Spike

A Digital Hardware Perspective on Deep Learning Acceleration

As deep learning models scale, they become increasingly competitive from domains spanning from computer vision to natural language processing; however, this happens at the expense of efficiency since they require increasingly more memory and computing power. The power efficien ...

This paper presents a sparse Change-Based Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory (CB-ConvLSTM) model for event-based eye tracking, key for next-generation wearable healthcare technology such as AR/VR headsets. We leverage the benefits of retina-inspired event cameras, namely their ...

Keyword spotting (KWS) is an important task on edge low-power audio devices. A typical edge KWS system consists of a front-end feature extractor which outputs mel-scale frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) features followed by a back-end neural network classifier. KWS edge d ...


A Reconfigurable Architecture for Spatio-Temporal Sparse Spiking Neural Networks

Spiking neural networks (SNNs) are promising alternatives to artificial neural networks (ANNs) since they are more realistic brain-inspired computing models. SNNs have sparse neuron firing over time, i.e., spatiotemporal sparsity; thus, they are helpful in enabling energy-effi ...


A Spiking Neural Network Accelerator Exploiting Spatio-Temporal Workload Balance

Spiking neural networks (SNNs) are developed as a promising alternative to artificial neural networks (ANNs) due to their more realistic brain-inspired computing models. SNNs have sparse neuron firing over time, i.e., spatio-temporal sparsity; thus, they are useful to enable e ...