
20 records found

Energizing sleep-deprived parents

Unlocking parents evening activities with mindful and secular rituals

Being mindful in the evening is overlooked for sleep-deprived parents with young children, especially with tv's and smartphones grabbing their attention. This graduation project explored in the context of personal energy care to unlock evenings for parents and found out that mind ...

The NICU Neighbourhood

Creating a low-stress parental experience

This master thesis is the result of a graduation project for the master Design for Interaction at Delft University of Technology. The aim of this project was to design a concept that improves the parental experience at the Intensive Care Neonatology (ICN) at the Amsterdam UMC. Th ...

Design a digital experience that delivers value to smart home users

Inspire and guide people to automate their homes, so they can live a carefree life

A smart home can be defined as a system of connected devices that are controlled remotely from one central place. Smart home solutions used to be for early adopters who like the novel and fun part of this new technology. Currently the smart Home market is moving to mainstream use ...

Collaborating with Communities

A Stedin service enabling Local Energy Communities to become their own electricity supplier

The energy grid is transitioning from a centrally controlled demand response system to a decentralized supply response system. There are multiple reasons for this, but the main one is the need to transition to a low carbon energy system to tackle climate change and decrease our d ...

Smash it or crack it

Designing interventions for emotional eaters to engage in behavioral expressions of emotional distress

All human beings eat food, but not always with the same intention. For many people, food can bring a feeling of comfort, at least in the short-term. As a result, some people turn to food in an attempt to heal emotional problems. The term ‘emotional eating’ has been defined as eat ...
The goal of this thesis is to design a digital media solution that can improve the visitor experience at the Van Gogh Museum by improving the visitor flow through the permanent exhibition galleries of the museum. By understanding the current visitor experience at the Van Gogh Mus ...

Enabling a collaborative use of healthcare data

This thesis presents research on data and healthcare and proposes a design vision that enables collaborative use of self-tracked data. This work was developed within the Cardiolab as a graduation work in Strategic Product Design. It aimed to identify the needs and aspirations of ...

Sharing Cultural Beliefs About Appearance

A design approach to improving social wellbeing in adolescents

Loneliness is a large and growing problem among adolescents. Body image has a strong relationship with loneliness, especially among young people. Therefore, a promising way to increase social wellbeing among this group is by increasing body satisfaction. This report presents vari ...

Energy management of COPD patients

Exploring the needs and criteria for support in self-management by means of e-health solutions

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is a lung disease that causes damage in the patients lung and results in energy and breathing problems. COPD patients often experience a decrease in their energy level. This decrease means they have to adjust their routine and habits a ...

Sailors in Motion

A persuasive game to stimulate physical exercise among employees with low socioeconomic status

The aim of this graduation project is to increase physical exercise of employees with low socio economic status (SES) by engaging them in a health intervention. Individuals with low SES often negatively influence their health by having an unhealthy lifestyle. This lifestyle cause ...

Towards a Digital User Research Tool

A Digital Workflow of User Research for Software Companies

The assignment that is of issue in this graduation project elaborates on Shipright. Shipright is a digital tool meant to be used to capture insights for customer research purposes. It offers a workflow to collaboratively process and analyze feedback, in order to find insights abo ...

Olli Play

A new modality in child-toy ownership

This project aims to plant a seed in the minds of children to develop sustainable behaviour now and inspire an attitude of environmental stewardship for the future. Children grow up in a take-make-dispose world driven by consumerism. This world is characterised by the continuou ...

Teamwork in Design Education

A framework and toolbox to integrate teamwork-related learning activities into a group design project course

In the past few decades, there has been an ongoing shift from work organised around individual jobs to team-based structures (Hansen, 2006; Edmondson et al., 2007; Bell et al., 2012). Teams can offer “greater adaptability, productivity, and creativity than any one individual can ...

My Coping Toolkit

Reframing the way we deal with stress

We all want to keep balance in our lives, however, we don’t live statically, changes in our daily environments are inevitable and the need to know how to restore balance when faced with external stimuli is a lifetime effort. The long-term effects of stress, both physical and ps ...
Hand-n-Hand App is a Location-based activation that addresses shoppers' uncertainty feelings in the grocery shopping experience. It does so by enabling grocery shoppers partners to be in contact while being in the supermarket. When delivering this activation, CPG brands are using ...

Nudging towards the future

Designing a financial app for people living in the now

A graduation opportunity was given by the start-up Buyproxy who are developing a financial app. The assignment was formulated as designing a user centered solution for the application, focussing on user engagement, to trigger the desired behavior change. Based on user research w ...

Empowering teenagers in their interactions with social media sexualisation

Educating teenage girls to be in control when interacting with sexualised social media content

This master thesis report is the result of a six-month-long graduation project for the Design for Interaction master track at the TU Delft. The goal of this project is to improve the interaction between teenage girls and sexualisation on social media. It does so by generating awa ...

Designing a new food informatics system

A different angle to record and understand food behaviour

Food, not only exist as a source of energy and nutrition to human beings, but also gives emotional comfort and carries cultural values in people’s daily life. Thus, the consumption of food is no longer related to fulfilling the need of hunger, but also as a way to deal with human ...


A design to break weight stigma internalisation circle in the age of social media

This graduation project starts from the big scope of weight stigmatisation on social media. At the beginning of research, primary research about weight stigma and social media was conducted to collect background knowledge and form an initial scope for further exploration. Explora ...

Improving Work-From-Home Satisfaction During COVID-19

Helping homeworkers manage work and family together for better work-from-home satisfaction.

This project deals with the creation of mechanisms for self-assessment in work-from-home (WFH) environments to enhance people's satisfaction. The core of the project lies in increasing WFH satisfaction by incorporating self-experimenting into work and family activities. This reli ...