Martin Rutzinger


9 records found

The 3rd edition of the international summer school "Close-range Sensing Techniques in Alpine terrain"took place in Obergurgl, Austria, in June 2019. This article reports on results from the training and seminar activities and the outcome of student questionnaire survey. Compariso ...
Early career researchers such as PhD students are a main driving force of scientific research and are for a large part responsible for research innovation. They work on specialized topics within focused research groups that have a limited number of members, but might also have li ...
The 2nd international summer school "Close-range sensing techniques in Alpine terrain" was held in July 2017 in Obergurgl, Austria. Participants were trained in selected close-range sensing methods, such as photogrammetry, laser scanning and thermography. The program included key ...
Imagery acquired by the Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) provides a global archive of dailyNormalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) at 500 m nominal resolution since the year 2000. While Sentinel-2 (S2) NDSI provides an increased spatial resolution of 20 m sin ...
Continuous and slow-moving deep-seated landslides entail challenges for the effective planning of mitigation strategies aiming at the reduction of landslide movements. Given that the activity of most of these landslides is governed by pore pressure variations within the shear zon ...


1 records found

Global climate change affects mountain regions such as the European Alps. Consequently, glacier extents decrease, and proglacial areas, the areas that recently lost their ice cover, increase in size. These proglacial areas are subject to a high frequency and magnitude of geomorph ...