This graduation project focused on lowering the environmental impact in which warm beverages were drunk at NS stations by motivating user to use reusable cups. It was explored why customers currently do not use reusable cups at NS stations, which solution space can be used to mot
A Kitchen for Life
Designing a service that engages social housing tenants in using a circular kitchen system
The planet cannot keep sustaining our linear economy much longer. Industries are moving circular to reduce environmental impact. The kitchen industry has to change. CIK (the Circular Kitchen) is a research project that develops a circular kitchen: a product-service system for ten
Deciding with heart
Supporting shared decision making process about life-prolonging treatments in patients with advanced heart failure
Shared decision making is a process in which healthcare professionals and patients decide together on the course of the treatment. Shared decision making enables evidence and patients’ preferences to be taken into account. It improves the patient’s knowledge, understanding and pa
Door middel van het vak Onderzoek & Ontwerpen, opgezet door de Stichting Technasium, ontwikkelen leerlingen vakoverstijgende competenties. Het is noodzakelijk dat leerlingen deze competenties zelfregulerend leren ontwikkelen; dit verhoogt de effectiviteit van het leerproces.
Treatment Tales
Moving from a clinical to a child-friendly treatment room
When you are ill, a visit to the hospital is often a stressful and worrisome experience. Especially when you are a child and you cannot fully understand or imagine what is going to happen to you. A clinical environment that contains ‘scary’ looking medical equipment does not make