
R. M. van Westen

10 records found


Tropical Biogeomorphic Seagrass Landscapes for Coastal Protection

Persistence and Wave Attenuation During Major Storms Events

The intensity of major storm events generated within the Atlantic Basin is projected to rise with the warming of the oceans, which is likely to exacerbate coastal erosion. Nature-based flood defence has been proposed as a sustainable and effective solution to protect coastline ...

Joint effects of the dynamic sea-level rise projected changes in the large-scale atmosphere/ocean circulation, and wave climate on hurricane-induced extreme water levels in the Caribbean region are assessed. We use the 2D-depth integrated ADCIRC + SWAN wave-ocean model, barocl ...

Shallow tropical bays in the Caribbean, like Orient Bay and Galion Bay in Saint Martin, are often sheltered by coral reefs. In the relatively calm environment behind the reefs, seagrass meadows grow. Together, these ecosystems provide valuable ecosystem services like coastal p ...

Sea-level rise poses severe threats to coastal and low-lying regions around the world, by exacerbating coastal erosion and flooding. Adequate sea-level projections over the next decades are important for both decision making and for the development of successful adaptation strate ...

The mesoscale variability in the Caribbean Sea is dominated by anticyclonic eddies that are formed in the eastern part of the basin. These anticyclones intensify on their path westward while they pass the coastal upwelling region along the Venezuelan and Colombian coast. In th ...

The Yucatan Channel connects the Caribbean Sea with the Gulf of Mexico and is the main outflow region of the Caribbean Sea. Moorings in the Yucatan Channel show high-frequent variability in kinetic energy (50–100 days) and transport (20–40 days), but the physical mechanisms contr ...
The Self Contained Autonomous Microstructure Profiler (SCAMP) is a free falling instrument, capable of measuring high-resolution profiles of temperature, salinity and fluorescence in the upper 100m. The falling velocity is controlled by moderating the buoyancy of the SCAMP with d ...
Throughout the expedition, bathymetric data was collected from the Kongsberg EM302 Swath Multibeam system. The primary role of this instrument during this expedition was to guide and inform deployment of the CTD and SCAMP, and to help with positioning of the hopper.@en
Vessel Mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (vmADCP) data were collected from a hull-mounted RDI 75 kHz instrument with a range of approximately 30 – 600m. The instantaneous current field and depth were continuously monitored by a VmDas acquisition system and collected on a ...


A new convective model of the Weddell Polyny

Deep convection in the Southern Ocean

The Weddell Polynya, a large hole in the Antarctic sea ice, reappeared in 2017. The polynya forms due to deep convection, which is caused by static instability of the water column. Observations and model studies show periodic heat accumulation in the subsurface layer prior to a p ...