
20 records found

This research focuses on the implementation of the Building with Nature (BwN) approach in the design of artificial coral reefs. The goal is to explore environmental preferences and design tools for coral development, considering both coral habitat potential and coastal protection ...

Spectral Wave Dissipation by Vegetation

A new frequency distributed dissipation model in SWAN

Climate change puts under pressure existing and future coastal interventions. Growing threats like sea-level rise and intensity of storms require solutions to be adaptable and resilient. Nature-based solutions have shown to tackle these challenges while providing social, environm ...

Infragravity waves on the North Sea

Generation, propagation and dissipation mechanisms

Recent analysis on measurements in the North Sea has shown a large amount of wave energy ranging in infragravity bands in the North Sea during storm events. To better understand the generation and propagation of free infragravity waves, the SWAN model is used to inspect the infra ...
Tidal energy has a large potential to contribute to achieving the sustainability goals in the Netherlands, due to the long coastline and many estuaries. The investment costs for the implementation of offshore tidal energy are however, still a drawback. A possibility to lower the ...

Computing breakwater stability using SWASH

The effects of model choices, shallow foreshore and oblique waves on the stability of a rubble mound breakwater

On the east coast of Romania, at Eforie, coastal erosion manifests. To strengthen the coastal area a large coastal protection project was setup involving beach nourishment combined with the construction of breakwaters. The breakwaters are designed with the well-known modified Van ...
All over the world, coastal protection measures are taken, which can be soft (e.g. sand nourishments on sandy beaches) or hard (e.g. seadikes or seawalls). Special care has to be taken to design the transition between these hard and soft flood defences, as they are often vulnerab ...

Wave dynamics behind a shore-normal breakwater

Towards better understanding and modelling of coastal impacts at sandy coasts

Shore-normal breakwaters are constructed in coastal zones both for beach protection (erosion reduction) and port development (wave sheltering). These breakwaters have an effect on the waves, the (wave-driven) currents and hence, the sediment transport along the coast. The waves a ...

Storm Surge Modelling due to Tropical Cyclone Activity

Development of an artificial neural network capable of predicting maximum storm surge heights for Hong Kong and Macau

Over the recent years, flood risks and losses have been increasing for coastal cities due to climate change, subsidence, population and economic growth. Hong Kong and Macau are two cities located in the Pearl River Delta that experience a significant flood risk due to storm surge ...

Modelling refraction of waves over tidal channels

A numerical study focusing on the performance of spectral wave models with respect to bottom refraction

For the design of coastal structures, the hydraulic loads that act on the coast should be known. These are often based on extrapolation of measurements. However, if the physical relation is unknown, large errors could be made. Therefore, a numerical model can be set up to take th ...
To calculate tsunami forces on coastal structures, the wave type in front of the coast is of great importance. Hence this paper aims to find ways to predict the type of tsunami wave breaking. Based on literature review, video footage, analytical reasoning and numerical modelling ...

A Deterministic Method To Detect Wave Directions From Surface Elevations

Accuracy And Sensitivity Analysis For The SWDD Method By Using Synthetic Wave Signals And The Mild-Slope Wave Model WIHA

This research describes a new method called SWDD (Klopman, Witteveen+Bos, 2018b), which can obtain information on wave propagation directions from the surface elevations at a set of positions. The primary intention of the method is to separate multiple incoming wave components, i ...
The Tohoku Tsunami of 2011 in Japan flooded a large part of the coastal area of Japan. The tsunami was caused by an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 just of the coast of Tohoku. The inundation height of the tsunami exceeded the design height of the tsunami barriers. This event ...

Tropical Cyclone Statistical Wind Estimation

In Regions with Rare Cyclone Occurrence

Tropical Cyclones (TCs) are in many regions responsible for severe damages and a great number of casualties, resulting from the severe wind speeds, rainfall, wave heights and storm surges. The recent hurricanes Harvey and Irma are examples of the great devastation that can be cau ...
The growth of the offshore wind industry results in intensive usage of the sandy seabed in the North Sea, currently and in the coming decades. Large-scale bed forms are present in shallow seas with sandy beds such as the North Sea. The most dynamic bed forms are sand waves. Due t ...

Modelling open channel flow for the features of a flexible groyne

Effects of permeability and head steepness of groynes on local flow characteristics

Large-scale measures within the river programmes such as Room for the River, Natura2000 and Water Framework Directive have increased the biodiversity in Dutch rivers and have achieved a more natural landscape. However, recent river programmes have shown conflicts between safety a ...

Wave energy dissipation by a viscous surface layer

Effects on the shear diffusion of a mineral oil slick

Mineral oil spills at sea can have many negative consequences. For both preventive and responsive purposes, it is essential to accurately forecast oil spill evolution. Shear diffusion (in this context, i.e. the combined effect of vertical mixing and differentiated horizontal adve ...

Development of a non-equilibrium beach in a low-energy lake environment

Using the Noordstrand of the Marker Wadden as a case study

The Noordstrand of the Marker Wadden has been subject to much more erosion than expected. From our current understanding of this low-energy system we cannot explain what has been the cause of this. The goal of this thesis is to create a better understanding of the different proce ...
Across the world, the presence of humans in coastal regions is always increasing. Hydraulic forcing from extreme events is a large risk around the global coastlines, the risk being complicated by the increased human presence along the coasts. The knowledge that vegetation can be ...

Comparing one and two-dimensional hydraulic modelling of flow on varying spatial scales

Identifying the physical processes that are of influence to the modelling choice of a stream system

In the past years, climate change has caused an increasing number of extreme weather events. In the Netherlands this is, for instance, reflected by the growing amount of extreme rainfall events. This creates big issues for water management authorities like water boards. Water boa ...

Wave Climate and Coastline Response of the Dutch Coast

Investigating the effect of large-scale offshore wind farm developments in the North Sea

To counteract the effect of climate change, a global agreement was put into force in 2016, aiming to limit the increase in average global warming and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In that respect, European countries are investing in cleaner sources of energy and predominantly ...