
Floris de Wit

13 records found


In spectral wave models, the nonlinear triad source term accounts for the transfer of energy to the bound higher harmonics. This paper presents an extension to commonly used spectral models that resolves the evolution of the bound wave energy by keeping track of the energy that h ...

Currents can affect the evolution of waves in nearshore regions through altering their wavenumber and amplitude. Including the effect of ambient currents (e.g., tidal and wind-driven) on waves in phase-resolving wave models is not straightforward as it requires appropriate bou ...

When waves propagate towards the coast, nonlinear interactions occur under the influence of decreasing water depth and variable ambient currents. This changes the initially harmonic wave shape into a nonlinear wave shape due to the presence of bound waves accompanying the freely ...

The nonlinear wave shape, expressed by skewness and asymmetry, can be calculated from surface elevation or pressure time series using bispectral analysis. Here, it is shown that the same analysis technique can be used to calculate the bound superharmonic wave height. Using mea ...

A large-scale field campaign was carried out on the ebb-tidal delta (ETD) of Ameland Inlet, a basin of the Wadden Sea in the Netherlands, as well as on three transects along the Dutch lower shoreface. The data have been obtained over the years 2017-2018. The most intensive cam ...

Field measurements of waves and currents were obtained at ten locations on an ebb-tidal shoal seaward of Ameland Inlet for a six-week period. These measurements were used to investigate the evolution of the near-bed velocity skewness and asymmetry, as these are important drive ...

Sustainable management of barrier islands and tidal inlet systems requires a knowledge of sediment transport pathways throughout the system. This paper places in situ suspended sediment observations (obtained using a LISST) in context with seabed sediment samples and hydrodynamic ...
A combination of observations and modeling of wave-and current-related sediment transport at the ebb-tidal delta of Ameland, The Netherlands, has been used to examine the dominant sediment transport contributions shaping the ebb-tidal delta. The calibrated model shows a good comp ...
Coastal systems are influenced by a combination of waves and tides. In certain cases, tide-induced alongshore currents can be of similar order or even larger than wave-induced currents. Until now, however, no detailed wave-resolving modelling studies included tidal currents. This ...


Combined wave-current flow is defined as flow in which waves and currents are present together. One of its occurrences in nature is at a tidal inlet system, where incoming waves meet either a current in the same (following) or opposite (opposing) direction. This type of flow is d ...
Drifters equipped with GPS-trackers have been widely used to investigate surface velocities in a wide range of coastal and oceanic settings. A detailed description of a new, cell-phone based, budget drifter system is given, along with an overview of the potential error sources an ...
This study investigates nonlinear wave shape and the near-bed velocity influenced in the vicinity of a tidal inlet for the SEdiment supply At the WAdden Sea ebb-tidal Delta project. Wave nonlinearities occur when waves encounter a flow. An opposing flow leads to waves with higher ...
In the coastal defence of the Netherlands, sand nourishment is a common practice. Part of the Dutch coastal system, the Wadden Sea coast, is a very complicated coastal system in terms of hydrodynamics and morphodynamics. Many different processes are playing a role in the coastal ...