
20 records found

Low-frequency sea-level variability along the Dutch coast

The relation between non-tidal mechanisms and low-frequency variability in sea-level

In this study the contribution of the low-frequency residuals to the sea-level variability has been examined. This is done using 106-year old sea-level record obtained at Hoek van Holland. Computing the mean sea-level per season each year and the corresponding standard deviation ...

Predicting the impact of sea-level rise in Baie Orientale and Baie de L'Embouchure, Saint Martin

Application of a hydrodynamic model including seagrass and coral reefs

Shallow bays in the Caribbean, like Baie Orientale and Baie de L'Embouchure in Saint Martin, are often sheltered by coral reefs and covered by seagrass meadows. They provide valuable services as tourism and coastal protection. The ecosystems are linked through biological, chemica ...

Predicting the survival of coral reefs

A biophysical modelling approach

KEY POINTS (I) A biophysical model framework (BMF) for corals is developed in which four environmental factors are included: (1) light; (2) hydrodynamics; (3) temperature; and (4) acidity. (II) The full feedback loop between corals and their environment forms the core of this mod ...

Spreading of polluted sediment around the U-864 wreck

Analyses of currents and sediment dispersal during installation of a capping layer using a fexible fallpipe vessel

Four kilometers west of the Norwegian island Fedje, mercury, leaking from the U-864 wreck, has highly polluted a seabed area of approximately 40 000 m2. The bow section of the wreck is located on a stability critical slope of 15 degrees. In 2016, Van Oord used a flexible fall pip ...

The recirculation near Maasvlakte 2 in the Rhine ROFI

Assessing the influence of a manmade headland and baroclinic processes

In times of rapid urbanization, engineering interventions in coastal systems have become more common. It is important to understand the interplay of these engineered solutions with their natural environment to minimize hazardous side effects to our ecology, economy and coastal sa ...

Underwater Piling Noise

Predicting sound levels in water with the Underwater Acoustic Simulator

This thesis investigates the important physical processes related to underwater sound propagation due to offshore pile driving with the first commercial and numerical model called the Underwater Acoustic Simulator (UAS). To make adequately use of noise mitigation measures during ...

Route optimization in dynamic flow fields

Avigation system for the North Sea and Wadden Sea

This thesis introduces a new algorithm for optimising shipping routes within a dredging project. Highly dynamic and time-dependent hydrodynamic features influence shipping routes. Due to the complex interactions between the horizontal tide, vertical tide, stratifying forces, wind ...

A new convective model of the Weddell Polyny

Deep convection in the Southern Ocean

The Weddell Polynya, a large hole in the Antarctic sea ice, reappeared in 2017. The polynya forms due to deep convection, which is caused by static instability of the water column. Observations and model studies show periodic heat accumulation in the subsurface layer prior to a p ...

The influence of fresh water discharge on coastal water levels

By a combination of physical and probabilistic models

Globally, at each river mouth freshwater is discharged to coastal waters. At each river mouth a freshwater plume is formed. These fresh water plumes are also known as the regions of freshwater influence (or ROFI’s). Furthermore, the freshwater plume will affect local coastal wate ...

Analysis of the Interannual Variability of the Amazon-Orinoco River Plume

And its effects on Sea Surface Temperatures in the Caribbean Sea

TheAmazon-Orinoco river plume is a buoyant freshwater lens of 1.2 × 106km2, which has been traced over 2000 km from the Amazon river mouthinto the Caribbean Sea and along the Lesser Antilles. The river plume iswarmer than the surrounding open-ocean waters, with temperaturediffere ...

Biogeomorphic modelling of tropical sheltered bays

Assessment of the role of seagrass ecosystems in tropical sheltered bays in the Caribbean

Coastal bays in the Caribbean accommodate different marine ecosystems, including seagrass meadows and coral reefs, which provide important ecosystem services. However, these marine ecosystems are endangered. Seagrass ecosystems have a key role in coastal bays, but despite their a ...

Oceanic hydrodynamic processes around the Shetland Islands

A data study on the prevailing ocean conditions and main characteristics

Subsea Rock Installation vessels cover pipelines, which transport oil from oil and gas fields. This is done by means of a flexible fallpipe until depths of 1000 meters. Around the Shetland Islands, the workability of the vessels at two specific project locations is compromised by ...

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation under Climate Forcing

An Analysis of the Community Earth System Model

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is a key component in the Earth System. Given its important role in the climate system, variability in the AMOC strength is expected to have great impact on the global climate. The current observational timeseries are not lon ...

Undular bottom topography as a salt intrusion mitigation measure

A study on the potential of trapped internal waves to enhance vertical mixing

Due to climate change and human interventions, saltwater intrusion is becoming a topic of increasing concern worldwide. Salt water intrudes into the Rotterdam Waterway (RWW) by an exchange flow, where the denser sea water propagates landwards at the bottom. The main competing mec ...

Effects of Salinity Variations in the Labrador Sea

An evaluation of salinity effects on the Labrador Sea circulation through an idealized model

The Labrador Sea is one of the deep convection sites in the world's oceans and the water masses formed here are an important component of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). To study this linkage, one study in particular used an idealized model of the Labrador ...

Sediment traps

For reducing maintenance dredging costs in the port of Rotterdam

Regular maintainance dredging is a large expense to the Port of Rotterdam, therefore the installation of sediment traps is considered. By increasing the bathymetry locally, an increase of local accumulation is expected and a decrease deeper in the harbour basin. This thesis descr ...

Internal gravity waves in the Rhine ROFI

Applicability of the KdV model

The Rhine Region of Fresh Water Influence (ROFI) is a shallow frictional river plume in front of the Dutch coast. Each tidal cycle a new tidal plume front with fresh-water is released. Recently, internal gravity waves have been observed in this plume. Using a Froude number analys ...

The hydrodynamics of an eco-innovative sediment reuse project in the Rotterdam Waterway

Gaining insight into the physics and the predictive capability of two operational hydrodynamic models

Phenomena like sea level rise, global warming and erosion together contribute to increasing flood risk in vulnerable coastal areas. As this flood risk increases, initiatives to mitigate the effects of climate change in the coastal zone are also increasingly sought. During recent ...

Suspended sediment behaviour of a reallocation pilot study in the port of Rotterdam

Gaining insight into the sediment dynamics of a reallocation pilot study, by using model hindcasts and measurements

The port of Rotterdam is located within the Rhine-Meuse estuary where a substantial amount of fine sediment transport takes place. Therefore, the port of Rotterdam is subject to significant siltation, requiring maintenance dredging to guarantee a sufficient nautical depth of fair ...

The spatial and temporal behaviour of stratification in the Fehmarnbelt strait

An analysis on when and where bi-directional plume spread due to stratification can occur during dredging activities in the Fehmarnbelt

The amount of suspended sediment spill released during dredging activities in the Fehmarnbelt strait is monitored along the excavated trench to prevent negative effects on local ecology. Stratification due to the interaction of saline water from the North Sea and fresh water from ...