J.K. Vrijling


14 records found

Multifunctional flood defenses

Technical design problem or policy challenge?

Over the ages delta areas have greatly benefitted their inhabitants. They generally provide fertile soils, rich fishing grounds and easy water transport, which facilitates trade. These natural resources stimulated population growth and made deltas densely populated areas. The thr ...
This paper presents an attempts towards creation of generalized models of ships manoeuvring area determination and ship performance created on the base of real simulation results. Those models are needed for better understanding of the safe navigation process in ports areas and i ...
Grass covers have been applied as an effective measure for protecting river levees and sea dikes. We conducted experiments to show how roots considerably improve the shear strength of soil on dike slopes. Roots of 1-year-old Bermuda and Carpet grass may increase the total shear s ...
We review the status of a 1.4 GW, 8 GWh underground pumped hydro storage (U-PHS) project in the southern Netherlands, which has been under development since the 1980s. Its history shows how the prospect of a large-scale U-PHS for The Netherlands (a country whose proverbial flatne ...
Flood risk reduction can be provided by interventions such as raising land or constructing flood defences. This paper introduces an approach to optimise the selection of risk reduction strategies. It expands existing economic optimization approaches for flood defences, by introdu ...
A lack of appropriate guidelines for the design and assessment hampers the development of multifunctional flood defenses like parking garages in quays and houses in dikes. The aim of the present paper, therefore, is to gain insight in the structural performance of multifunctional ...
A comprehensive overview of methods to quantify and limit risks arising from different sources is still missing in literature. Therefore, a study of risk literature was carried out by the authors. This article summarises about 25 quantitative risk measures. A risk measure is defi ...
A comprehensive overview of methods to quantify and limit risks arising from different sources is still missing in literature. Therefore, a study of risk literature was carried out by the authors. This article summarises about 25 quantitative risk measures. A risk measure is defi ...
Critical infrastructures are complex societal systems. For that reason, risk criteria for criticalinfrastructures are also ‘part’ of the risk criteria for complex societal systems. The questionsto be resolved are: (1) are the societal risk criteria of complex systems defined and ...
Critical infrastructures are complex societal systems. For that reason, risk criteria for criticalinfrastructures are also ‘part’ of the risk criteria for complex societal systems. The questionsto be resolved are: (1) are the societal risk criteria of complex systems defined and ...
Critical infrastructures are complex societal systems. For that reason, risk criteria for criticalinfrastructures are also ‘part’ of the risk criteria for complex societal systems. The questionsto be resolved are: (1) are the societal risk criteria of complex systems defined and ...
Critical infrastructures are complex societal systems. For that reason, risk criteria for criticalinfrastructures are also ‘part’ of the risk criteria for complex societal systems. The questionsto be resolved are: (1) are the societal risk criteria of complex systems defined and ...
Critical infrastructures are complex societal systems. For that reason, risk criteria for criticalinfrastructures are also ‘part’ of the risk criteria for complex societal systems. The questionsto be resolved are: (1) are the societal risk criteria of complex systems defined and ...


6 records found


The Dutch flood risk system since 1986

PART I | A RESEARCH AND DESIGN PROJECT ABOUT FLOOD RISK POLICY SINCE 1986 The period between the Dutch flood disaster of 1953 and the year 2016 can be divided into two eras, separated by the year 1986, when the famous Eastern Scheldt barrier was completed. The perspective of wate ...

Bayesian networks for levee system reliability

Reliability updating and model verification

An accurate prediction of shoreline changes behind detached breakwaters is, in regard to the adjustment to the environmental impact, still a challenge for designers and coastal managers. This research is expected to fill the gaps in the estimation of shoreline changes by developi ...
Multifunctional flood defences are structures that primarily protect land from being covered by water and simultaneously serve other purposes. The present dissertation focuses on the combination of flood protection with functions that are fulfilled by means of buildings and objec ...
We present here a Bayesian framework of risk perception. This framework encompasses plausibility judgments, decision making, and question asking. Plausibility judgments are modeled by way of Bayesian probability theory, decision making is modeled by way of a Bayesian decision the ...
Een exploratieve studie naar de financieel-economische implicaties van de invoering van een baten-lastenstelsel bij de Nederlandse Rijksoverheid voor de instandhouding van civieltechnische netwerken. Doel is om als professioneel opdrachtgever op basis van bedrijfseconomische begi ...