Dan Dalacu

8 records found


Generation of photon pairs from quantum dots with near-unity entanglement fidelity has been a long-standing scientific challenge. It is generally thought that the nuclear spins limit the entanglement fidelity through spin flip dephasing processes. However, this assumption lack ...

Integration of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors and quantum sources with photonic waveguides is crucial for realizing advanced quantum integrated circuits. However, scalability is hindered by stringent requirements on high-performance detectors. Here we overcome t ...
Single-photon generation, processing, and detection are the three main components of any quantum optical circuit. We present our results on integration of semiconducting nanowire quantum dots, dielectric waveguides, and ultrahigh performance superconducting nanowire single-photon ...

Global, secure quantum channels will require efficient distribution of entangled photons. Long distance, low-loss interconnects can only be realized using photons as quantum information carriers. However, a quantum light source combining both high qubit fidelity and on-demand ...

Quantum light plays a pivotal role in modern science and future photonic applications. Since the advent of integrated quantum nanophotonics different material platforms based on III-V nanostructures-, colour centers-, and nonlinear waveguides as on-chip light sources have been ...

We deterministically integrate nanowire quantum-emitters in SiN photonic circuits. We generate single-photons, suppress excitation-laser, and isolate specific transitions in the quantumemitter all on-chip with electrically-tunable filter. Finally, we demonstrate a novel Quantum- ...

A major step toward fully integrated quantum optics is the deterministic incorporation of high quality single photon sources in on-chip optical circuits. We show a novel hybrid approach in which preselected III-V single quantum dots in nanowires are transferred and integrated ...

We present an experimental route to engineer the exciton energies of single quantum dots in nanowires. By integrating the nanowires onto a piezoelectric crystal, we controllably apply strain fields to the nanowire quantum dots. Consequently, the exciton energy of a single quan ...