P. Belardinelli
19 records found
This study examines the nonlinear dynamics in tapping-mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) with tip-surface interactions that include van der Waals and Derjaguin-Muller- € Toporov contact forces. We investigate the periodic solutions of the hybrid system by performing numerical pse
This paper investigates the nonlinear dynamics in tapping-mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) with tip-surface interactions that include Van der Waals and Derjaguin-Müller-Toporov contact forces. We study the periodic solutions of the hybrid system by performing numerical pseudo-a
Dynamic atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a key platform that enables topological and nanomechanical characterization of novel materials. This is achieved by linking the nanoscale forces that exist between the AFM tip and the sample to specific mathematical functions through model
Quantifying the nanomechanical properties of soft-matter using multi-frequency atomic force microscopy (AFM) is crucial for studying the performance of polymers, ultra-thin coatings, and biological systems. Such characterization processes often make use of cantilever's spectral c
We report the first study on the thermal behavior of the stiffness of individual carbon nanotubes, which is achieved by measuring the resonance frequency of their fundamental mechanical bending modes. We observe a reduction of the Young's modulus over a large temperature range wi
Increasing the signal-to-noise ratio in dynamic atomic force microscopy plays a key role in nanomechanical mapping of materials with atomic resolution. In this work, we develop an experimental procedure for increasing the sensitivity of higher harmonics of an atomic-force-microsc
Suspended microfluidic resonators enable detection of fluid density and viscosity with high sensitivity. Here, a two-legged suspended microchannel resonator that probes pico-litres of liquid is presented. The higher resonant modes (flexural and torsional) were explored for increa
Diamond is a highly desirable material for state-of-the-art micro-electromechanical (MEMS) devices, radio-frequency filters and mass sensors, due to its extreme properties and robustness. However, the fabrication/integration of diamond structures into Si-based components remain c
In this work, we perform a comprehensive analysis of the robustness of attractors in tapping mode atomic force microscopy. The numerical model is based on cantilever dynamics driven in the Lennard–Jones potential. Pseudo-arc-length continuation and basins of attraction are utiliz
This paper investigates the complex bifurcation scenario of electrically-actuated circular micro-plates subjected to differential pressure. Our analysis deals with the primary, secondary and ultimate saddle-node bifurcation points responsible for the device snap-through and addre
Stochastic switching between the two bistable states of a strongly driven mechanical resonator enables detection of weak signals based on probability distributions, in a manner that mimics biological systems. However, conventional silicon resonators at the microscale require a la
Despite numerous theoretical investigations on the mechanical properties of graphene, an accurate identification of its material behavior is still unattained. One hypothesis for this uncertainty is that modeling graphene as a static membrane cannot describe the strong coupling be
The bending rigidity of two-dimensional (2D) materials is a key parameter for understanding the mechanics of 2D NEMS devices. The apparent bending rigidity of graphene membranes at macroscopic scale differs from theoretical predictions at micro-scale. This difference is believed
Global properties of Multi-Degrees-of-Freedom (M-DoF) systems, in particular phase space organization, are largely unexplored due to the computational challenge requested to build basins of attraction. To overcome this problem, various techniques have been developed, some trying
In the presence of more than one stable state, assessment of stability is crucial for a proper device characterization. This is of particular importance in atomic force microscopy due to rich dynamics exhibited by the oscillating microcantilever probe that interacts with a sample
Physical characteristics such as mass and stiffness of biological objects are emerging as new markers for severe diseases. Micromechanical resonators can be used to quantify multiple of these characteristics simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a methodology that utilizes hi
The accuracy of measurements in Amplitude Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) is directly related to the geometry of the tip. The AFM tip is characterized by its radius of curvature, which could suffer from alterations due to repetitive mechanical contact with the surface. A
Numerical integrations represent a time-consuming element in the long-term dynamics analysis of mechanical systems. This limits the resolution of the computations and the dimension of the system to be investigated numerically. In fact, even pushing memory resources to their thres
Linear and non-linear vibrations of a U-shaped hollow microcantilever beam filled with fluid and interacting with a small particle are investigated. The microfluidic device is assumed to be subjected to internal flowing fluid carrying a buoyant mass. The equations of motion are d