E. Hasselaar


20 records found

Highly-efficient balanced air flow ventilation systems increased from 5 to 50% in markets hare within six years for new residential buildings in The Netherlands. This success is based on the contribution of the system to energy performance in combination with cost effectiveness. ...
Problem Statement Housing and health are interconnected. By measuring the health performance of housing, risks can be identified and measures to improve the health potential can be taken. A Checklist Ventilation Quality, published by the National Tenant Organization, has been a s ...
Until now health impact assessment and environmental impact assessment were two different issues, often not addressed together. Both issues have to be dealt with for sustainable building. The aim of this paper is to link healthy and sustainable housing in life cycle assessment (L ...
Healthy housing strategies tend to focus on good comfort and on avoiding specific health risk agents. These agents are generated by building features and occupancy and may come from both indoor and outdoor environments. This research project focuses on building features and the i ...
We spend one third of our life in a bedroom and hardly question the health issues of the indoor environment. Occupants know little about the ecology of the house dust mite, about how to avoid mould problems, how to ventilate for good indoor air quality. The bed is likely the main ...
This study focuses on the influence of the use of air inlet and exhaust devices on the air change rates per hour (ACH) in 37 residential dwellings in the Netherlands. The ACH in living rooms varied from 0.1 to 1.9, whereas in bedrooms it varied from 0.1 to 3.6. Computations of re ...
Performance evaluation receives much attention from indoor specialists and from occupants. The paper presents a theoretical framework for the strategy of designs for instrumentation for health performance evaluation. Performance evaluation requires the selection of a set of simpl ...
Mould on interior surfaces is correlated with adverse health effects. The aim of this study was to formulate measures to avoid moulds in bathrooms. These measures were based on the relationship between housing characteristics and mould growth. We investigated 75 housing character ...
We spend 30-40% of our life time in the bedroom, well secured from the outdoor environment, but is the indoor environment secure and healthy? The bedroom is probably the most important place in our home. While asleep, we do not act in control of the environment. It affects us, bu ...
Moisture problems in dwellings are widespread, yet there is no clear understanding of the moisture balance. A balance sheet is produced, based on experimental data. The balance sheet helps to identify conditions with high risk of mould growth and high house dust mite population g ...
The quality of indoor air is linked to detrimental health effects. Indoor air is a research and design issue in healthy housing, rarely considered in sustainable building. By analysing the relation between sustainable building and indoor air, a framework for discussion is constru ...
This paper describes a study of reduced performance of mechanical exhaust systems in 42 Dutch houses after several years of operation. It also describes the effect of reduced ventilation on air quality and the perception and use of the ventilation system by residents. The guanine ...