11 records found

Increasing attention is being paid to intersection signal control with cooperative platoons. Assuming platoons being formed, such platoons cannot only improve the intersection capacity but also minimize the number of control units, especially when dedicated connected and automate ...
Risk assessment is a crucial component of collision warning and avoidance systems for intelligent vehicles. Reachability-based formal approaches have been developed to ensure driving safety to accurately detect potential vehicle collisions. However, they suffer from over-conserva ...
Multitype satellite observation, including optical observation satellites, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites, and electromagnetic satellites, has become an important direction in integrated satellite applications due to its ability to cope with various complex situations. ...
Balancing safety and efficiency when planning in crowded scenarios with uncertain dynamics is challenging where it is imperative to accomplish the robot's mission without incurring any safety violations. Typically, chance constraints are incorporated into the planning problem to ...
Current driver behaviour models (DBMs) are primarily designed for the general driver population under specific scenarios, such as car following or lane changing. Hence DBMs capturing individual behaviour under various scenarios are lacking. This paper presents a novel method to q ...
The last decades have witnessed a rapid increase of Earth observation satellites (EOSs), leading to the increasing complexity of EOSs scheduling. On account of the widespread applications of large region observation, this article aims to address the EOSs observation scheduling pr ...
Satellite observation scheduling plays a significant role in improving the efficiency of Earth observation systems. To solve the large-scale multisatellite observation scheduling problem, this article proposes an ensemble of metaheuristic and exact algorithms based on a divide-An ...
Real-time safety systems are crucial components of intelligent vehicles. This paper introduces a prediction-based collision risk assessment approach on highways. Given a point mass vehicle dynamics system, a stochastic forward reachable set considering two-dimensional motion with ...
Precisely modeling interactions and accurately predicting trajectories of surrounding vehicles are essential to the decision-making and path-planning of intelligent vehicles. This paper proposes a novel framework based on ensemble learning to improve the performance of trajectory ...
This article contrives a neural-adaptive constrained controller of the cable towed air-ground recovery system subject to terrain obstacles, unmeasurable cable tensions, trailing vortex, wind gust, and actuator saturation. In air-ground recovery system modeling, the towed vehicle' ...
Road traffic safety has attracted increasing research attention, in particular in the current transition from human-driven vehicles to autonomous vehicles. Surrogate measures of safety are widely used to assess traffic safety but they typically ignore motion uncertainties and are ...