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Oscar Groot

12 records found


Autonomous mobile robots require predictions of human motion to plan a safe trajectory that avoids them. Because human motion cannot be predicted exactly, future trajectories are typically inferred from real-world data via learning-based approximations. These approximations pr ...

In this work, we propose two cooperative passivity-based control methods for networks of mechanical systems. By cooperatively synchronizing the end-effector coordinates of the individual agents, we achieve cooperation between systems of different types. The underlying passivity p ...
Balancing safety and efficiency when planning in crowded scenarios with uncertain dynamics is challenging where it is imperative to accomplish the robot's mission without incurring any safety violations. Typically, chance constraints are incorporated into the planning problem to ...
Navigating mobile robots through environments shared with humans is challenging. From the perspective of the robot, humans are dynamic obstacles that must be avoided. These obstacles make the collision-free space nonconvex, which leads to two distinct passing behaviors per obstac ...

The successful integration of autonomous robots in real-world environments strongly depends on their ability to reason from context and take socially acceptable actions. Current autonomous navigation systems mainly rely on geometric information and hard-coded rules to induce s ...

This paper presents a rule-compliant trajectory optimization method for the guidance and control of autonomous surface vessels. The method builds on Model Predictive Contouring Control and incorporates the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea - known as C ...

In this work we consider the problem of cooperative end-effector control between heterogeneous fully actuated agents when varying-time delays and/or packet loss are present. We couple agents via outputs encoded with task-space coordinates and velocities that are transformed in ...

We present an optimization-based method to plan the motion of an autonomous robot under the uncertainties associated with dynamic obstacles, such as humans. Our method bounds the marginal risk of collisions at each point in time by incorporating chance constraints into the pla ...


Trajectory planning and following in urban environments

To reduce traffic accidents involving vulnerable road users

This thesis presents a comprehensive approach to integrating a trajectory planner and follower for autonomous vehicles (AVs) using model predictive contouring control (MPCC). The planner generates collision-free trajectories with a kinematic bicycle model, while the follower trac ...
For travelling from point A to point B, autonomous vehicles generate a route between the points. During the mission, the vehicle uses a motion planning and controls algorithm to follow the planned route while avoiding static and dynamic obstacles. Motion planning algorithms gene ...
Research and development of motion control in the field of autonomous driving is significantly increasing nowadays. Model predictive control (MPC) is one of the most powerful and practical tools currently available. It is important to select the parameters of the MPC, such as wei ...
Nonholonomic mechanical systems encompass a large class of practically interesting robotic structures, such as wheeled mobile robots, space manipulators, and multi-fingered robot hands. However, few results exist on the cooperative control of such systems in a generic, distribute ...