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F. Tuinstra
Academic Work (20)
Book chapter (1)
Journal article (16)
Report (3)
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20 records found
Resonant Absorption Effects in the diffraction of low energy electrons.
Journal article (2000) -
ARHF Ettema (author)
A Mans (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
Resonant Absorption Effects in the diffraction of low energy electrons.
Journal article (1999) -
ARHF Ettema (author)
A Mans (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
De ontwikkeling van programmatuur voor CFD berekeningen aan chemische reactoren. Verslag periode 3: december 1997 t/m mei 1998.
Report (1998) -
F. Tuinstra (author)
HPA Calis (author)
HPA Calis (author)
CM van den Bleek (author)
Growth pyramids on Si(111) facets: a CVD and MBE study
Journal article (1998) -
J van Wingerden (author)
RH van Aken (author)
YA Wiechers (author)
PMLO Scholte (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
Characterisation of multilayers by X-ray reflection
Journal article (1998) -
AJ Steinfort (author)
PMLO Scholte (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
Sodim-doped dimer rows on SI(001)
Journal article (1997) -
MJ Haye (author)
PMLO Scholte (author)
AF Bakker (author)
AF Bakker (author)
SW de Leeuw (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
G Brocks (author)
Nucleation of homoepitaxial Si chains on Si(001) at room temperature
Journal article (1997) -
J van Wingerden (author)
MJ Haye (author)
PMLO Scholte (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
Report on de X-ray data of SION material
Report (1997) -
F. Tuinstra (author)
AJ Steinfort (author)
Sodium doped dimer rows on Si(001)
Journal article (1997) -
MJ Haye (author)
PMLO Scholte (author)
AF Bakker (author)
AF Bakker (author)
SW de Leeuw (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
G Brocks (author)
Physical and crystallographic properties of alkali antimonides
Report (1997) -
ARHF Ettema (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
Atomic details of step flow growth on Si(001)
Journal article (1997) -
J van Wingerden (author)
A. van Dam (author)
A. Van Dam (author)
A Van Dam (author)
A van Dam (author)
MJ Haye (author)
PMLO Scholte (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
Room temperature growth of submonolayers of silicon on Si(001) studied with STM
Journal article (1997) -
J van Wingerden (author)
A. van Dam (author)
A. Van Dam (author)
A Van Dam (author)
A van Dam (author)
MJ Haye (author)
PMLO Scholte (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
A calibrated scanning tunneling microscope equipped with capacitive sensors
Journal article (1996) -
AE Holman (author)
CD Laman (author)
PMLO Scholte (author)
WC Heerens (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
Interactions between adsorbed Si dimers on Si(001)
Journal article (1996) -
A. van Dam (author)
A. Van Dam (author)
A Van Dam (author)
A van Dam (author)
J van Wingerden (author)
MJ Haye (author)
PMLO Scholte (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
AFM study of (100) SrTiO3 substrates used to grow high-Tc-superconductor thin films
Journal article (1996) -
B Stäuble-Pümpin (author)
V Matijasevic (author)
B Ilge (author)
J.E. Mooij (author)
PMLO Scholte (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
Nucleation of a complex oxide during epitaxial film growth: SmBa2Cu3Oy on SrTiO3
Journal article (1996) -
V Matijasevic (author)
B Ilge (author)
B Stauble-Pumpin (author)
Gert Rietveld (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
J.E. Mooij (author)
Origin of rippled structures formed during growth of Si on Si(001) with MBE
Journal article (1996) -
J van Wingerden (author)
EC van Halen (author)
K Werner (author)
PMLO Scholte (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
Strain structures in nanoscale germanium hut clusters on Si(001) studied by X-ray diffraction
Journal article (1996) -
AJ Steinfort (author)
PMLO Scholte (author)
RL Johson (author)
ARHF Ettema (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
M Nielsen (author)
E Landemark (author)
DM Smilgies (author)
R Feidenhans'l (author)
G Falkenberg (author)
L Seehofer (author)
New application of classical x-ray diffraction methods for epitaxial film characterization
Journal article (1996) -
WJAM Peterse (author)
PMLO Scholte (author)
AJ Steinfort (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
The internal strain structure of Ge hut clusters on Si(001), studied by X-ray diffraction
Book chapter (1996) -
AJ Steinfort (author)
PMLO Scholte (author)
RL Johnson (author)
ARHF Ettema (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
M Nielsen (author)
E Landemark (author)
DM Smilgies (author)
R Feidenhans'l (author)
G Falkenberg (author)
L Seehofer (author)