
20 records found

Distributed Optimisation Using Stochastic PDMM

Convergence, transmission losses and privacy

In recent years, the large increase in connected devices and the data that is collected by these devices has caused a heightened interest in distributed processing. Many practical distributed networks are of heterogeneous nature. Because of this, algorithms operating within these ...
This thesis aimed to aid ErasmusMC in the workforce planning process of deciding how to implement training among the nursing personnel in order to build a more flexible workforce, so the hospital can be prepared for fluctuating and unexpected demand, while minimizing the costs of ...

The cocktail party problem

GSVD-beamformers for speech in reverberant environments

Hearing aids as a form of audio preprocessing is increasingly common in everyday life. The goal of this thesis is to implement a blind approach to the cocktail party problem and challenge some of the regular assumptions made in literature. We approach the problemas wideband FD-BS ...

DNA Data Storage using Hamming and Reed-Solomon Codes

DNA Data Opslag met Hamming en Reed-Solomon Codes

Nowadays, enormous amounts of data are produced on a daily basis. Whether it is a cute family picture, a funny cat video, or a scientic paper, all of the data is stored. The challenge in data storage nowadays is about nding a way to store a lot of data, in such a way that it will ...

System Building Blocks for Mathematical Operators Using Stochastic Resonance

Application in an Action Potential Detection System

Stochastic resonance (SR) is a phenomenon where the performance of a nonlinear system subjected to noise is better than it is without noise. This phenomenon can be found both in natural and artificial systems, especially in threshold-based systems such as comparators or a populat ...
LoRaWAN is amongst the most prominent LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Networking) technologies and provides an operation mode, called Class B, where devices can be reached with limited latency. One of the most important features of LoRaWAN Class B is multicast, which allows a single t ...

Optimal placement of green, blue and yellow roofs under uncertainty

Maximizing the societal benefits for a municipality

Climate change challenges the resiliency of our cities, and lack of spaces in densely paved areas makes it impossible to implement adaptation and mitigation strategies on the street level. However, buildings have often unused roofs, which can be converted into sustainable roofing ...
Code-Based Cryptography is a branch of the Post-Quantum Cryptography research area. As such, its focus is on developing algorithms that can be used in the current communication systems to secure them against an adversary powered in the (near) future by a quantum computer. A code- ...

Optimisation of battery usage in Smart Grids

Comparing mathematical optimisation methods for making charging decisions for a private battery in a smart grid

It is predicted that in about 100 years most of the earth's fossil fuels will have been depleted. Currently, fossil fuels still make up 80% of the Dutch energy production. Thus, to handle this depletion, the research on renewable energy production and its usage is being stimulate ...

The Four-Colour Theorem

History and Proof

The four-colour conjecture (4CC) is a question that asks whether any map can be coloured using only four colours, with the constraint that neighboring countries must have distinct colours. This conjecture has re- mained unanswered for over 170 years, with a rich history of variou ...
This bachelor thesis is about binary error-correcting codes. A binary code is a collection words with the same length n that consists only of zeroes and ones. The error-correcting quality of a code is determined by the Hamming distance d of a code. A classical question in coding ...
Dit onderzoek gaat over de mogelijkheden en onmogelijkheden met betrekking tot constructies met passer en ongemarkeerde liniaal. Hier werken we met de euclidische meetkunde en zullen we dus ook beginnen met de vijf postulaten van Euclides en een aantal toepassingen ervan. Er zal ...
While the Minimum Euclidean Distance detection is known to be optimal for channels affected by Gaussian noise, it has been shown that Minimum Pearson Distance detection (MPD) may perform better when the channel is also affected by an unknown offset, though for a good performance ...
In a military environment, tactical networks enable information sharing between all the different entities in the field. In this environment, multiple groups of people from different organizations, and with different goals and policies have to share information. The information h ...
Subgraph matching is a fundamental problem in various fields such as machine learning, computer vision, image processing, and bioinformatics, where detecting specific substructures within an object is often crucial. In these domains, not only structure plays an essential role, bu ...
With cockpit crew costs being the second largest costs of an airline, making optimal use of the available crew is very important. The productivity of the crew is limited by the labor agreement and law regulations, which prevent the crew members from working irregularly or excessi ...
In this thesis, we design and assess a multi-slice resource allocation framework that is based on machine learning techniques (subset of artificial intelligence techniques). The proposed framework employs two machine learning techniques namely, artificial neural networks and rein ...
Every day an extremely large amount of messages get sent over the internet, radio, WiFi, etc. These messages need to be encoded in order to protect the important data. However just like many of these systems messages can get corrupted over a certain channel due to noise, fluctuat ...
The world can’t keep up with its own data and therefore needs new ways to store it. Research is being done into new types of experimental data storage like DNA sampling or racetrack memory, which could completely revolutionize the way storage works. However, such storage media ar ...
Binary erasure-repairing codes protect information stored on multiple servers by adding parity servers. A characteristic of a code is its cooperative locality; a measure of the amount of servers that need to be accessed to repair erased servers. This report discusses the cooperat ...