M. Pesic

19 records found

Direct, NAD(P)H-independent regeneration of Old Yellow Enzymes represents an interesting approach for simplified reaction schemes for the stereoselective reduction of conjugated C=C-double bonds. Simply by illuminating the reaction mixtures with blue light in the presence of sacr ...
Peroxygenases require a controlled supply of H2O2 to operate efficiently. Here, we propose a photocatalytic system for the reductive activation of ambient O2 to produce H2O2 which uses the energy provided by visible light mor ...
There is an increasing interest in the application of peroxygenases in biocatalysis, because of their ability to catalyse the oxyfunctionalisation reaction in a stereoselective fashion and with high catalytic efficiencies, while using hydrogen peroxide or organic peroxides as oxi ...
In this study, we combined photo-organo redox catalysis and biocatalysis to achieve asymmetric C–H bond functionalization of simple alkane starting materials. The photo-organo catalyst anthraquinone sulfate (SAS) was employed to oxyfunctionalise alkanes to aldehydes and ketones. ...
A photoenzymatic NADH regeneration system was established. The combination of deazariboflavin as a photocatalyst with putidaredoxin reductase enabled the selective reduction of NAD+ into the enzyme-active 1,4-NADH to promote an alcohol dehydrogenase catalysed stereospe ...
Deazaflavins are potentially useful redox mediators for the direct, nicotinamide-independent regeneration of oxidoreductases. Especially the O2-stability of their reduced forms have attracted significant interest for the regeneration of monooxygenases. In this contribu ...

Biocatalytic Oxidation Reactions

A Chemist's Perspective

Oxidation chemistry using enzymes is approaching maturity and practical applicability in organic synthesis. Oxidoreductases (enzymes catalysing redox reactions) enable chemists to perform highly selective and efficient transformations ranging from simple alcohol oxidations to ste ...
Old Yellow Enzymes (OYEs) have become practical catalysts for the stereoselective trans-hydrogenation of conjugated C=C-double bonds. Despite their importance, in-depth characterization of their kinetic parameters and factors influencing their activity and stability have largely ...
In green plants, solar-powered electrons are transferred through sophistically arranged photosystems and are subsequently channelled into the Calvin cycle to generate chemical energy. Inspired by the natural photosynthetic scheme, a photoelectrochemical cell (PEC) is constructed ...
Enoate reductases from the family of old yellow enzymes (OYEs) can catalyze stereoselective trans-hydrogenation of activated C=C bonds. Their application is limited by the necessity for a continuous supply of redox equivalents such as nicotinamide cofactors [NAD(P)H]. Visible lig ...