
R.P.J. van Hees

269 records found

RILEM TC 243-SGM report

Grouting for historic architectural surfaces

Historic Structures are commonly coated with mortar layers (plasters, renders, flooring) for protection and decoration. These well finished architectural stratigraphic surfaces often suffer from deterioration, such as lack of adhesion or detachment between support and mortar laye ...

Recommendation of RILEM TC 271-ASC

New accelerated test procedure for the assessment of resistance of natural stone and fired-clay brick units against salt crystallization

This recommendation is devoted to testing the resistance of natural stone and fired-clay brick units against salt crystallization. The procedure was developed by the RILEM TC 271-ASC to evaluate the durability of porous building materials against salt crystallization through a la ...

RILEM TC 277-LHS report

Properties of lime-based renders and plasters—discussion of current test methods and proposals for improvement

Renders and plasters have significant functions in buildings. Their functionality is closely related to their properties, which depend on the mortar itself, the application technology, the interaction with the environment and the substrate. There are many basic characteristics th ...

RILEM TC 277-LHS report

Lime-based mortars for restoration–a review on long-term durability aspects and experience from practice

For conservation interventions of historic masonry generally lime-based mortars such as pure air lime mortars, lime-pozzolan mortars, natural hydraulic lime mortars and ternary mortars (lime-pozzolan-cement) are used. The main reason is that their hygric and mechanical (strength ...

Vochtschade na brand

De casus van de Elleboogkerk in Amersfoort

Het blussen van een brand gaat gepaard met een grote hoeveelheid water die in het metselwerk van een gebouw binnendringt; daarnaast duurt het vaak ook nog lange tijd voor een gebouw weer waterdicht kan worden gemaakt. Dit kan een hoog vochtgehalte in de muren veroorzaken, met all ...
In the Netherlands a program for the enhancement of quality in the restoration of monumental buildings is presently carried out, stimulated by national authorities and coordinated by the foundation ERM. Guidelines are issued by the branches involved, from architects to masons, un ...
Compatibility of repair materials in conservation is a widely desired goal, but difficult to achieve. In this research, the compatibility of four commercial stone repair mortars, commonly used in conservation practice in the Netherlands and neighbouring countries, is discussed. I ...
Before starting any interventions related to the maintenance or restoration of a monument, a thorough investigation is necessary, aiming to assess damage to materials and structures and to obtain a well-supported diagnosis. This paper is based on a keynote lecture given in Leuven ...
The Rietveld Schröder House is not only an icon of Dutch architecture, but also a museum welcoming about 18,000 visitors each year. The unusual experimental character of the construction and the fact that the house is open to the public
can be expected to affect the indoor cl ...
Salt crystallization damage in porous building materials is a widespread phenomenon. Several solutions to prevent, or mitigate, salt damage in building materials, prolonging thereby their service-life have been proposed. One of the latest approaches is the use of crystallization ...
Weathering of porous building materials caused by the crystallization of soluble salts is a ubiquitous problem in the built cultural heritage. Especially lime-based mortars are susceptible to salt decay, due to both their bimodal pore size distribution and low mechanical strength ...

Recommendation of RILEM TC 243-SGM

Functional requirements for surface repair mortars for historic buildings

Surface repair mortars are used for the compensation, or repair, of lost portions of surface materials in historic masonry buildings. It is recommended that their design and application should be performed in a wider context of conservation values related decision making, to prio ...

Correction to

Consolidation of renders and plasters (Materials and Structures, (2017), 50, 1, (65), 10.1617/s11527-016-0894-5)

Due to an unfortunate turn of events, the article title was only partly given in the article next to the fact that the list of TC members had accidently been left out. Please find in this erratum the correct article title and the list of TC members. Both should be considered as p ...
The treatment of rising damp is an important issue when dealing with the conservation and restoration of historic buildings. The most effective solutions for the problem of rising damp are usually very ‘invasive’: depending on the method, there might be a substantial loss of auth ...
Injectie van chemische producten is wellicht de meest verbreide methode om optrekkend Injectie van chemische producten is wellicht de meest verbreide methode om optrekkend Injectie van chemische producten is wellicht de meest verbreide methode om optrekkend Injectie van chemische ...
Rising damp is a recurrent hazard to ancient buildings in Europe and its relevance is expected to increase in the future, due to climate changes. The presence of rising damp in walls does not only create an unpleasant climate in buildings, but it also enhances damage processes su ...
In deze bijdrage worden de belangrijkste bevindingen gerelateerd aan het effect van toevoeging van de modificatoren op morteleigenschappen en op de duurzaamheid van de mortels gerapporteerd. Allereerst wordt er een experiment beschreven waarin wordt getest of de effectiviteit van ...
Steenreparatiemortels zijn mortels die in de conserveringspraktijk worden gebruikt om ontbrekende delen van baksteen of natuursteen in metselwerk of beeldhouwwerk aan te vullen. In de Nederlandse conserveringspraktijk worden steenreparatiemortels regelmatig gebruikt met wisselend ...
Naar aanleiding van het historisch georiënteerde onderzoek naar oppervlaktebehandelingen (Nijland & Quist 2018) en het onderzoek naar het hervoegen van gehydrofobeerd metselwerk, beide uitgevoerd binnen de samenwerking tussen TNO, RCE en TU Delft in MonumentenKennis, ontstond het ...