64 records found


Decarbonizing ethanol production via gas fermentation

Impact of the CO/H2/CO2 mix source on greenhouse gas emissions and production costs

This study explores key success factors for ethanol production via fermentation of gas streams, by assessing the effects of eight process variables driving the fermentation performance on the production costs and greenhouse gas emissions. Three fermentation feedstocks are asse ...

Towards closed carbon loop fermentations

Cofeeding of Yarrowia lipolytica with glucose and formic acid

A novel fermentation process was developed in which renewable electricity is indirectly used as an energy source in fermentation, synergistically decreasing both the consumption of sugar as a first generation carbon source and emission of the greenhouse gas CO2. As ...

Performing in spite of starvation

How Saccharomyces cerevisiae maintains robust growth when facing famine zones in industrial bioreactors

In fed-batch operated industrial bioreactors, glucose-limited feeding is commonly applied for optimal control of cell growth and product formation. Still, microbial cells such as yeasts and bacteria are frequently exposed to glucose starvation conditions in poorly mixed zones ...

Scaling up bioprocesses is one of the most crucial steps in the commercialization of bioproducts. While it is known that concentration and shear rate gradients occur at larger scales, it is often too risky, if feasible at all, to conduct validation experiments at such scales. ...

Modeling ethanol production through gas fermentation

A biothermodynamics and mass transfer-based hybrid model for microbial growth in a large-scale bubble column bioreactor

Background: Ethanol production through fermentation of gas mixtures containing CO, CO2 and H2 has just started operating at commercial scale. However, quantitative schemes for understanding and predicting productivities, yields, mass transfer rates, gas flow profiles and detailed ...

Production of ethanol fuel via syngas fermentation

Optimization of economic performance and energy efficiency

In this work, a model was developed to predict the performance of a bubble column reactor for syngas fermentation and the subsequent recovery of anhydrous ethanol. The model was embedded in an optimization framework which employs surrogate models (artificial neural networks) and ...

Dynamic modeling of syngas fermentation in a continuous stirred-tank reactor

Multi-response parameter estimation and process optimization

Syngas fermentation is one of the bets for the future sustainable biobased economies due to its potential as an intermediate step in the conversion of waste carbon to ethanol fuel and other chemicals. Integrated with gasification and suitable downstream processing, it may cons ...

Hybrid model for ethanol production via syngas fermentation

Coupling between a thermodynamics-based black-box model of bacterial reactions and mass transfer in a large-scale bubble column bioreactor

The present study describes the procedure followed to construct, to quantitatively validate and the utilization of a mathematical model to simulate ethanol production inside a large-scale bubble column bioreactor fed by syngas of two possible compositions i.e., pure CO and a 3:1 ...

We assess the effect of substrate heterogeneity on the metabolic response of P. chrysogenum in industrial bioreactors via the coupling of a 9-pool metabolic model with Euler-Lagrange CFD simulations. In this work, we outline how this coupled hydrodynamic-metabolic modeling can ...

Euler–Lagrange computational fluid dynamics simulations offer great potential for the integration of transport dynamics and metabolic dynamics in fermentation systems. Since the seminal work of Lapin et al. [1,2], progress has been made, mainly in the analysis of CFD data and ...

Power input effects on degeneration in prolonged penicillin chemostat cultures

A systems analysis at flux, residual glucose, metabolite, and transcript levels

In the present work, by performing chemostat experiments at 400 and 600 RPM, two typical power inputs representative of industrial penicillin fermentation (P/V, 1.00 kW/m3 in more remote zones and 3.83 kW/m3 in the vicinity of the impellers, respectively) ...

In a 54 m3 large-scale penicillin fermentor, the cells experience substrate gradient cycles at the timescales of global mixing time about 20–40 s. Here, we used an intermittent feeding regime (IFR) and a two-compartment reactor (TCR) to mimic these substrate gradien ...

Through the Organism’s eyes

The interaction between hydrodynamics and metabolic dynamics in industrial-scale fermentation processes

The broth in industrial scale fermentors may contain significant gradients in, for example, substrate concentration, dissolved oxygen and shear rates. From the perspective of microbes in this fermentor, these gradients translate to temporal variations in their environment that ma ...

Large substrate concentration gradients can exist in chemical or biochemical reactions, resulting from a large circulation time compared to the turnover time of substrates. The influence of such gradients on the microbial metabolism can significantly compromise optimal bioreac ...

Production of bulk chemicals from lignocellulosic biomass via thermochemical conversion and syngas fermentation

A comparative techno-economic and environmental assessment of different site-specific supply chain configurations

This study presents the design and assessment of site-specific supply chains and related manufacturing processes for the production of bio-based chemicals from the syngas platform and via gasification of lignocellulosic biomass followed by syngas fermentation. The supply chain ...

Production of second generation ethanol can be accomplished with biomass gasification followed by syngas fermentation using acetogenic bacteria in a hybrid process. Using process simulation and financial analysis, this study evaluated the feasibility of producing hydrous ethan ...

Bioprocess scale-up/down as integrative enabling technology

From fluid mechanics to systems biology and beyond

Efficient optimization of microbial processes is a critical issue for achieving a number of sustainable development goals, considering the impact of microbial biotechnology in agrofood, environment, biopharmaceutical and chemical industries. Many of these applications require ...

The bio-economy is in transit from innovation to commercialization. The bioprocess industry is expected to increasingly deliver bio-products to the market, in large amounts, at high quality and at competitive cost levels. This requires flawless start-up of new large-scale biop ...

The trajectories, referred to as lifelines, of individual microorganisms in an industrial scale fermentor under substrate limiting conditions were studied using an Euler-Lagrange computational fluid dynamics approach. The metabolic response to substrate concentration variation ...