J.A.M. Baeten


20 records found

The expansion of the city of Venlo since 1874

Research into the demolition of the bastion fort and the following expansion of the city of Venlo

Deze thesis is geschreven voor het vak AR2A011 Architectural History Thesis als onderdeel van het derde kwartaal van het eerste jaar van de Master Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences aan de TU Delft. De thesis is geschreven over de historische uitbreiding van de stad Ven ...

Indonesian Architecture in The Dutch Pavilion Design

Paris International Exhibition Of Modern Decorative And Industrial Arts 1925

During the colonial era, the Dutch had built a strong connection with Indonesia that allowed a cultural exchange from both sides. Architecture, as part of cultural products, is no different. Although normally, the ruler was the one who left architectural marks on their colony’s l ...

Designing the New Land

A historical look into the design of the Noordoostpolder

The design of the Noordoostpolder not only included the placement of the villages, trees farms and land lots, but the social structures were also drawn out into detail. A strict selection was applied for those who wanted to have a chance of getting a farm. But did these two diffe ...

Le Temps De 'L'Encier'

The Time of the 'Inkpot'

A building created out of fear of being overwhelmed by the new era, but now to be embraced.

Beyond the Correspondence

An Archival Research of the BPH

I named my work Beyond the Correspondence. In the archival research I conducted on the Post Box for the Development of the Habitat (the B.P.H. mailbox), I analyzed the content of the publications which are stored in the archives of the Het Nieuwe Institute Rotterdam. I realized t ...

Architectuur van het montessorionderwijs

Onderzoek naar de relatie tussen de ideologie van het montessorionderwijs en de architectuur van basisscholen

Het montessorionderwijs is een onderwijssoort met een pedagogische grondslag. In dit onderzoek staat de volgende vraag centraal: in hoeverre is de ideologie van het montessorionderwijs vertegenwoordigd in de architectuur van basisscholen in Nederland? Met behulp van literatuur is ...

A touch of modernity through antique tissue

The Fundatie museum in the ancient centre of Zwolle

The relationship between monument and modernity was always an uphill challenge, since the connection between those two elements has always been complicated. Therefore, this historical thesis will examine a very famous study-case '' The Fundatie museum''. In order to discover how ...

Cardinal Sins Through Set Design

The Seven Deadly Sins and its Portrayal in The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover

From the early Christian Church to contemporary cinema, the cardinal sins have been a popular theme in art and literature. While some films use the sins merely for entertainment value, others use them to convey powerful messages about human nature and society. The latter type inc ...

Liberalized or Objectified?

The representation of women in the art of Frances Macdonald during the Art Nouveau Movement

This research offers an interpretive analysis of Frances Macdonald's artistic portrayal of women during the Art Nouveau movement, with a focus on the evolving societal roles and positions of women. Through a visual analysis of Macdonald's artwork and a review of relevant literatu ...

Productie van Ruimte door Vrouwen in de Benedictijnse Kloostertuin

Een vergelijkingsstudie van kloostertuinen sinds de jaren 60

In deze vergelijkingsstudie van de kloostertuin van de Onze Lieve Vrouwe Abdij Oosterhout met drie andere kloostertuinen de productie van ruimte in de kloostertuin onderzocht. Door middel van het bestuderen van de invloeden die voor veranderingen hebben gezorgd, wordt geconcludee ...

De Consequenties van een Natuurramp

Onderzoek naar de veranderingen in het regionaal plan van Schouwen-Duiveland na de Watersnoodramp (1953)

In deze paper wordt de invloed van de Watersnoodramp (1953), de grootste natuurramp van Nederland in de 20ste eeuw, op het regionaal plan van Schouwen-Duiveland in kaart gebracht. De overstroming veroorzaakte grote schade aan gebouwen en zorgde ervoor dat meer dan 1300 km² land o ...

Integration & architecture 1960s

Analyzing how architects dealt with the integration of guest workers from the 1960s through Alvaro Siza’s Punt Komma project

his article examines the integration of migrants in the Netherlands in the 1960s and its connection with architecture. It examines how architecture, specifically Alvaro Siza’s Punt Komma project in The Hague’s Schilderswijk district contributed to the integration of migrants. The ...

Early Waldorf school architecture

A study of the design of The Vrije School, The Hague

This thesis provides an historical overview of the development of anthroposophy in the Netherlands and its impact on school architecture, with a specific focus on the Vrije School in The Hague. Through primary and secondary source analysis, the paper explores the origin of anthro ...

De weeshuizen van Jos Bedaux en Aldo van Eyck

Een zoektocht naar de verschillend en overeenkomsten van de weeshuizen gerealiseerd na de oorlog in vorm en verhaal

In de typologie van de weeshuizen voor de oorlog zijn voornamelijk veel traditionele indelingen te herkennen en zijn de vormentaal en de architectuur zelf niet karakteristiek voor de functie van weeshuizen. De weeshuizen gerealiseerd na de oorlog vertonen net als voor de oorlog o ...

The history behind ceramics

Historical study of Royal Delft ceramics factory building complex

The factory office building at Rotterdonseweg 196 is part of the porcelain company Koninklijke Porceleyne (Royal Delft). It is registered as national monument 525284 and is part of the three-part monument complex 525283. It is located between Rotterdamseweg and Delfteski in Delft ...
The Novohrad cemeteries are a unique peculiarity in the context of cemeteries in Slovakia. Among other tombstones, they stand out for their unusual, very rich ornamentation and colourfulness, set in spaces reminiscent of groves or meadows. Above all, however, they stand out for t ...

Magna Plaza. Een heel goed slecht voorbeeld

Over schaalvergroting van de architectuur van het Amsterdamse postkantoor in de 19e en 20e eeuw

This thesis explores the development of scale in the architecture of the Amsterdam post offices by C. Outshoorn (1854) and C.H. Peters (1898), and of the urban context around the building. The urban development takes place incited by technical development and rapid expansion of t ...


A Case Study Into Adaptive Reuse of post-industrial Heritage

Adaptive reuse can be defined in a multitude of ways, but in this case it refers to the renovation and revitalisation of a building or site into a new purpose brought forth by societal and urban needs. This concerns many different projects, yet this paper aims to explore the natu ...
This architectural history thesis examines the „Studentenhuis Weesperstraat“ (1966) in Amsterdam, designed by Herman Hertzberger (*1932) as a representation of his philosophy towards creating architecture. This being one if the earliest examples of Hertzbergers work, it serves as ...

J. L. M. Lauweriks and the Deutscher Werkbund

Lauweriks' design for the Deutscher Werkbund Exhibition in Cologne in 1914

This history thesis will examine the extent in which Lauweriks’ architectural and design principles, taking his work for the Deutscher Werkbund Exhibition in Cologne in 1914 as a case study, align with those of the Deutscher Werkbund when looking at the broader thematic and styl ...