J.P. van den Bos
10 records found
A set of scale-model tests was carried out at the wave basin of the Leibniz University Hannover to extend the range of wave steepness values analysed in run-up, overtopping and armour layer stability studies, focusing on oblique extreme wave conditions and on their effects on a g
A set of scale-model tests carried out to enlarge the range of wave steepness values analysed in run-up, overtopping and armour layer stability studies, focusing on oblique extreme wave conditions and on their effects on a gentler slope breakwater's trunk armour and roundhead, is
The permeability of a breakwater is of great importance for the stability of the armour layer. The influence of the structural permeability on the stability of rock armour units was already researched by Van der Meer using the 'notional' permeabiltiy. However, for single layer in
This dataset was obtained from the experiments done with Ground Condolidators at the TU Delft. In this experiment, several execution methodes were tested. The data comes from several measurements at the flume. The main part of the data was taken from camera recordings. These came
This data-set includes water level measurements and height measurements of the damage to near-bed structures. Due to waves which impose a current damage develops to near-bed structures. Waves are measured by wave gauges and the height of the near-bed structure is measured using a