G. Huisman
8 records found
75% of all mental health issues arise between the ages of 14 and 25 (Kessler et al., 2005). Suicide is the number one cause of death among young people (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, 2023), one in three adolescents experiences performance pressure (Kleinjan et al., 2020), o
The present research delves into the social aspects of food, commensality, and food rituals. It investigates the interplay between embodied gestures, artifacts, and language in shaping food cultures. To do this, the study delves into the acculturation of dietary habits within two
Consumers encounter many food choices in the supermarket, including ultra-processed food. Observing in the context and reflecting on the daily interactions, these products often present with product identities visually, and the food does not transparently show on the packaging. C
Co-designing vibrations without vision and hearing
Using cross-modal perception to support communication with people with deafblindness
Human-computer interactions should be as inclusive as possible, nowadays. Designers play a vital role in making products, services, and systems usable by a diverse range of users. Mobile applications use vibrations (tactons) to convey information about, for example, messages comi
Exploring the potential of Rhythmic Entrainment for Product Design
This master thesis explores the potential of Rhythmic Entrainment (RE) for product design applications. The research starts by defining some of the important terms and providing example cases of RE from products and research. A comparison between the cases illuminates the possibi
Fitness 2.0
Design of a physical virtual reality engine with real-time force feedback
The Ethereal Engine combines fitness with gaming and VR. By using two actuated armatures and foot platforms, the machine can provide users with force feedback while they enjoy a multitude of simulations that do not feel like a workout at all. Regular physical exercise is very dif
Constructing Fidgeting
Integrating Extended Cognition, Mind Wandering, and Mindless Interaction in Pursuit of a Productive Mood State
Object-mediated fidgeting (pen clicking, ring spinning, paper folding, etc.) is a pervasive and often unaware human behavior. Despite its prevalence, fidgeting has no consensus cause or effect in existing scientific literature. This graduation project seeks to operationalize fidg
Young children often have problems sleeping. Some are afraid of the dark. Or wake up multiple times during the night. Another just does not want to go to bed or lays awake for a long time. Whatever the reason, a lack of sleep makes the children tired during the day. For parents,