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G.A. van Bortel

9 records found

Building resilience

Unveiling the power of the built environment in fostering resilience for liveable and thriving neighbourhoods

In many Dutch neighbourhoods with a large social housing stock, a concerning development of nuisance and unsafety is emerging alongside an increasing concentration of vulnerable residents. These neighbourhoods often show little resilience, resulting in reduced overall liveability ...
Starters van nu kunnen als de verloren generatie op de woningmarkt worden beschouwd (Boelhouwer & Schiffer, 2019). Diverse beleidsmaatregelen voor het verkrijgen van een hypotheek, hoge studieleningen, een vaak te korte inschrijftijd voor een sociale huurwoning en de concurre ...

A Life Cycle Perspective for Sustainable Real Estate Investment Decision-Making

An Integrated Life Cycle Costing and Assessment Approach for Institutional Real Estate Investment Funds - Balancing Economic Feasibility and Sustainability in Building Design

It is observed that both cost and environmental impact are underemphasized criteria in the investment decision-making process of Institutional Real Estate Investment Funds (IREIFs). The limited adoption of Life Cycle Costing (LCC) and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) within IREIFs' Perf ...
Nowadays, the built environment of the Netherlands is making the transition from the linear to circular economy to meet the goals set by the European Union and the Dutch government of 50% circular economy by 2030. However, there is limited knowledge in the built environment for c ...
Over the last years, humanity has realised that the current ways of production, distribution and consumption are putting an enormous burden on our planet. One of the most efficient ways to reduce energy consumption is to insulate the entire exterior of the house, including wall ...

Confronting the Norwegian Paradox

Decomposing socio-territorial conflicts through modern and indigenous worldviews on time and space in Finnmark, Norway

The thesis describes the development of the oil and gas industry in Arctic Norway. This sudden increase in wealth is causing urban developments and strong inequalities across different scales. Furthermore, it is causing friction between indigenous Sámi and non-indigenous worldvie ...

Space for change

Inspiration lab as a catalyst in the city

The city of New York is densifying wherever it can, more pencil-like skyscrapers are being constructed every year, adding more housing and office space that is in high demand. Recently, industrial areas such as Hudson Yards have been transformed to gain more area to build on. Hel ...
The Hell’s Kitchen area should keep its residential character and provide more public function so as to be a stable and active community connecting the waterfront and Midtown CBD in the next decades. However, dull street interface, uneven distribution of vitality, expensive livin ...
SummaryThe municipality of The Hague and the Social housing associations are researching on how to cope with the population growth in The Hague. Every year approximately 5,000 new persons arrive at The Hague, meaning that in 10 years The Hague will increase their population by 8% ...