Circular Image

G.A. van Bortel

31 records found

This research explores the role of developers in creating social impact within Dutch priority neighborhoods, where socioeconomic challenges such as poverty, unemployment, and inadequate housing compromise the quality of life. It investigates how private entities can align their s ...

Topping up Together

Evaluating participation processes to accelerate residential top-ups in the Netherlands

This research provides a framework to evaluate participation processes and their contribution to citizen support for top-ups. The findings have illustrated how participation processes contribute to the support for top-ups by using a context-specific approach, adjusting the level ...

Knowledge exchange on affordable housing provision

A case study for transdisciplinary and transnational knowledge exchange in Europe

The global housing affordability crisis sees European countries searching for solutions, paving the way for transnational knowledge exchange. The efforts to fulfill this potential within the housing sector and transnationally are, however, unexplored in relation to the affordable ...

Beyond blueprints: The crucial role of stakeholder engagement in sustaining R-strategies of circular economy in housing projects

A study of stakeholder engagement in the conceptualisation phase of a project life cycle for lasting r-strategies in housing projects.

This study looks into the variables of stakeholder engagement and the implementation of R-strategies in new housing developments with the goal of identifying motives, difficulties, and opportunities. The study promotes sustainable urbanisation by providing stakeholders with ways ...

Strengthening the Social Attachment in Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods

Evaluating Community Involvement Initiatives in the Netherlands

This research addresses the issue of low social attachment of residents in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in the Netherlands. These neighbourhoods face problems, such as high crime rates, poverty, and poor living conditions. Residents in these areas often feel disconnected from the ...
This thesis explores the challenges and solutions for integrating circular economy (CE) ambitions into building projects, with a focus on overcoming barriers through effective stakeholder engagement.
The research was motivated by the increasing need for sustainable practices ...

Office of the Future

A Study on Office Reduction and Perceived Employee Productivity of Global Pharmaceutical companies in the Netherlands

Restrictions from the covid pandemic are lifted. However, the office remains changed, the hybrid way of working seems to stick. Employees want flexibility and choose when to work from home and when they work in the office. The norm of a hybrid work week is working three days in t ...

Reimagining Home

A Qualitative Research on Innovative Flex Housing Partnerships and Subsidies for Empowering Status Holder Integration

The Netherlands is dealing with a severe housing crisis due to factors like population growth and a shortage of affordable homes. This has led to soaring housing prices impacting all citizens. Particularly impacted by the consequences of ineffective policies for housing provision ...

Participatory placemaking in public spaces

A conceptual framework of the different perspectives of participatory placemaking according to a semi-systematic literature review

Placemaking is currently a popular concept to implement for the revitalisation of urban areas, often connected to achieving various social goals in neighbourhoods. However, while the concept of placemaking has been in use for some decades, still a lot of confusion exists concerni ...

The Circular Kitchen

Perspectives for Design and Implementation

Global warming's impacts on ecosystems and economies underscore the urgent need for sustainability in the built environment, particularly in the housing sector, which significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and material consumption. The Circular Economy (CE) present ...

Het stimuleren van woningcorporaties voor middenhuur

Het formuleren en testen van financiële incentives voor woningcorporaties

Na een lange tijd waarin woningcorporaties door overheidsbeleid zijn beperkt in hun taken met betrekking tot sociale woningbouw, lijkt het belang van de woningcorporaties in het oplossen van het tekort aan middenhuur meer erkend te worden. Dit is te zien aan de recente afschaffin ...

Managing Social Value in Real Estate

Towards an integrated social value definition, measurement and quantification in the built environment industry

Today’s world is faced with climate emergencies and social disruptions, which means that decreasing negative results and delivering positive impact to the planet and society is necessary to support our future. With a rising demand for strategies that go beyond traditional investi ...
The municipality of Amsterdam wants to allow the middle segment in the rental sector to grow further in size in the coming years, to better facilitate the housing needs of residents between the social rental sector and the owner-occupied sector. However, it is important to gain a ...

The Next Step in Circular Housing

An exploratory user-centred research into the relationship between design and circular behaviour of students living in student housing complexes

Earth’s resources are being depleted which creates a need for a transition towards a circular economy. This transition brings multiple challenges and requires new behaviours. However, in current design practice, the focus lies on products and materials, not on the required circul ...

Managing Metabolism

Enabling re-adaptive housing possibilities in the Netherlands

Currently there is a high demand for more housing dwellings, a change in housing compositions, mis-match between household profiles and their space and lastly a growing demand in sustainability, circularity and adaptivity. Re-adaptive housing prevents demolition, transformation t ...

The future work environment envisioned by Dutch employees

Reimagining the configuration of the future work environment and the role of the home-based work environment through the perspectives of Dutch employees in the post-covid era

On March 11, 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. The pandemic caused a sudden shift in the work environment, and quarantines and lockdowns in particular, brought about much change. Since changes in society affect employees’ ...

Knowing what is right

The positions of tenants and landlords towards fair conditions in rent- and contract agreements for the Dutch rental housing sector and how to improve them.

Purpose: This thesis is the result of a problem regarding the fairness of rent- and contract conditions in the entire Dutch rental housing segment. The Dutch housing market is under a lot of pressure due to scarcity, high demand in housing and rising prices and this has led to pr ...
Governments worldwide deal with the question of how to elevate their low-income household (LIH) into a higher standard of living. The main view of scholars on housing is that homeownership usually is the first step into improving the lives of people with a low income. The Provinc ...

Het maatschappelijk gezicht van professioneel opdrachtgeverschap

Een studie naar de koppeling van de zorgplicht van de corporatie en de werkvloer van het onderhoudsbedrijf

Dit onderzoek heeft geresulteerd in een handreiking waarmee de zorgplicht met betrekking tot de leefbaarheidstaak op een goede manier geborgd kan worden bij het professioneel opdrachtgeverschap. Hiervoor zijn twee corporaties onderzocht die een zorgplicht met betrekking tot de le ...
The construction industry is the world’s largest consumer of raw materials (WorldEconomic Forum, 2016). The industry is also known for the large amounts of waste it produces.In the EU, one third of all waste is construction and demolition waste (European Commission,2019), and in ...