J.D. Fokkinga

43 records found

Social Quandaries

Understanding the quirks and features of London’s post-war social housing architecture

In social quandaries is an analysis of three council housing estates dating back to the 1960s, all situated within the Greater London area. The analytical framework was informed by the book “Paris Haussmann: A Model’s Relevance,” which extensively examines the Haussmann plan in P ...

Absorbing Splinters

Revalorising identities within the ever-growing fragmented urban landscape of London.

Rapid and uncontrolled urban growth has resulted in fragmented cityscapes, leading to the loss of a sense of place in cities like London. The relentless march of modernization and compulsive development has given rise to illegible spaces, where once-distinctive landmarks are bein ...

Making visible | Visible making

Providing agency for dissipated residents

This thesis explores the potential of difference and disruption as a productive ground for approaching gentrification in London. Multiple forces are driving the process of gentrification, the focus lies on the aspect of postmodern consumerism. A cultural change in which the indiv ...

Queen's Yard

Integrating the neighbourhood

Marketplaces are one of the most lively and magnetic spaces in the cityscape. They play a significant role in the history of the development of London, especially in the ‘long’ 18th century. Marketplaces have passed the test of time, reflecting on the socio-economic and urban cha ...

Capturing Wishes

Translating personal housing requirements into affordable housing for young adolescents in Rotterdam Zuid

In this paper, design principles for a co-housing project focused at young adults (18-27 years old) wishing to live in the Tarwewijk in Rotterdam Zuid are being proposed. These principles are based on literary research, reference projects, fieldwork and workshops held for student ...

Connecting through Rituals

How architecture can support social rituals - with a special focus on schools and exemplified by the proposal to revitalize the Molenpoort Passage in Nijmegen

Under the overarching theme of Bricolage, the studio’s task has been to rethink the given situation and to develop a proposal for the revitalization of the Molenpoort site in the south of the city of Nijmegen – both on urban and on spatial scale. There, the shopping mall of the M ...
This project is about the transformation of a shopping mall called 'the Molenpoort' located in the city centre of Nijmegen. From this location I try to enter in conversation about - and most of all - with architecture. I try to challenge what the change of perspective from peopl ...

Molenpoort, music and arts school

From pragmatism to sensitivity

Shopping Passage The Molenpoort in Nijmegen is an indoor shopping centre that in current times is struggling with decreasing visitor numbers and rapidly growing shop vacancies. The municipality of Nijmegen has plans to demolish the building completely, and create an outdoor -gene ...

Bricolage of Time and Space

A journey trough the transformation of The Molenpoort

Nijmegen, known as the oldest city in the Netherlands, shows many periods and events in history in its architecture. Ruins, walls and contrasts of styles are proof of events that had shaped the city as we can see it today. In the borders of the centre, The Molenpoort, a hybrid be ...

A Health and Wellness Centre for the city of Nijmegen

A place for escape in Nijmegen’s city centre

This thesis aims to develop a new urban and architectural condition for the site of the existing Molenpoort shopping centre, within Nijmegen’s city centre. The project aims to investigate how play can be considered as part of urban and architectural design in an attempt to make a ...

The spring

A place of fertile ground and growth

Transform is the keyword for the situation we are in. The climate is changing and we do to. Our needs change every day, and we like the change. We like the transformation, because that is life. We search for goals. Goals that help us to become something we always wanted to be. ...


Heterotopia: the re-use of alterity and authenticity in Molenpoort

The design and research developed in a Lexicon of bricolage definitions of Nijmegen, becoming a new way of recomposing an understandable language as a research product that could be shared but also interpreted by everyone. The research highlights the value of the context, related ...

Commercial Fulfillment Center

Renovation of Passage de Molenpoort in Nijmegen

Bricolage is a way of thinking, researching and designing. From the perspective of architect, we build our realm using the existing constructing logic and limited materials, to make something new from the old, which seems to be a low-key but efficient way for renovation of Passag ...

Bricolage in city renovation

Student apartment design in Nijmegen

Bricolage is a interesting word.It was used with reference to some extraneous movement and means an unexpected result,It was later derived as a
means of solving problems only using the tools at hand. And this essay is a journey to compare bricolage in daily life and bricola ...
Mundanity and spirituality are two important key words in bricolage. However, with the development of the times, mudnanity and spirituality have taken on a new dimension. For mundanity, people's right to creative freedom in their everyday lives has been greatly restricted. In the ...
The design assignment is located in Molenstraat, Nijmegen, and involves interventions through two existing buildings. Finding place in both a historical building (the Parish Hall built in the 19th century) and an obsolete building (the Molenpoort shopping center built in the seve ...

Encounter of Unknown

Indeterminate Public Space

What are the preconditions for aleatory occurrence of social interaction? Can unexpected public activities be catalyzed by specific spatial characteristic? The objective of the thesis is to explore the flexibility, mobility and adaptiveness in architecture and urban domain throug ...


A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body

Danish people have a relatively high death-rate, compared to other Nordic countries. This has not gone unnoticed. The government has been actively promoting a healthy lifestyle for quite some time now. This promotion is mainly focussed on physical health. With this public condens ...